The stretching begins

I’m going to Mexico in two weeks. I don’t have my plane tickets yet. I tried calling the family I’m staying with to check on what times it would work best for me to arrive (since they’ll be at a conference that week–and I don’t want to make them miss too much). The first time I called, someone answered “Bueno”. I asked to speak to Jim or Caroline. I heard the audible click of the phone hanging up. I call right back. Maybe they thought I was a salesperson or something. “Bueno.” “Hi, this is Rebekah Menter. May I speak to Jim or Caroline?” A torrent of Spanish that I can’t understand. Then they hang up.

I know it’s the right number. It’s the same one I called weeks ago and got ahold of them with. It’s the same one listed in their e-mail. It’s a Nebraska number that rings in Mexico–for Pete’s sake, it’s the right number. But I can’t do anything about it. I take a nap.

Wake up from my nap. Maybe I’ll try again. This time I’ll try out my Spanish skills. “Bueno.” “Hola, me llamo Rebekah Menter. Puedo hablar a Jim o Caroline?” I don’t understand the Spanish they respond with. I’m trying to think on my feet and I completely bungle my next question. Another Spanish answer–it sounds like someone else speaking this time. I try again. I speak in English this time. I’m frustrated that I can’t figure out how to ask them to give Jim and Caroline a message to call me. I’m frustrated because I can’t understand what they’re saying. Finally I apologize, “Perdon. Lo siento. Adios.” “Okay, bye” they say. I hear the click again.

I’m going to Mexico for a month. I leave in two weeks. And I don’t have my plane ticket yet. I’m not even sure the James’ are aware that I’m going to be flying rather than driving as we originally discussed. I don’t know if they’ve gotten my e-mail. I can’t get ahold of them by phone.

This is way out of my comfort zone. I created a three ring binder with descriptions of all the attractions in Yellowstone, a list of animals and birds to identify, and the most likely hikes to take for our family vacation to Yellowstone last year. I thrive on detailed itineraries and advance planning. I like to have something ready for every eventuality–but I like to know the way things “should” go too. I don’t have any of that here.

I know that God told me to go. I know that Jim and Caroline are expecting me. I know that I’m going to be tutoring their daughter. I don’t know when I’m leaving or coming back. I don’t know what I’m going to tutor their daughter in when I get there. I’m not even sure what level exactly she’s at. I know her age, but I’m not sure her grade level–and I’m even less sure about her ability level. Is she mathematically bright and an English dunce? Or maybe she’s an arts and literature person but not at all interested in science? I don’t know. I don’t know what curriculum or resources they currently use. I don’t know what subject matter she’s currently studying. I don’t know what books she’s read. I’m completely in the dark.

It’s incredibly uncomfortable.

I tell God that I’m having a hard time with it. He responds, as usual, with “Be still. I’m God.” But it’s awfully hard to continue to be still when the deadline is racing up and NOTHING IS CERTAIN! But, I guess, I have to learn to be like Abraham, to pick up my tents and leave when God says “Go”, even if I have no idea where He’s taking me.

1 thought on “The stretching begins”

  1. On 07.07.08 – 5:04 am
    Momma Roar said:

    “But, I guess, I have to learn to be like Abraham, to pick up my tents and leave when God says “Go”, even if I have no idea where He’s taking me.”

    Its the best approach to take! :D


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