I wish you could videotape dreams

Every so often, I see a really good movie–one that I want to watch over and over and over again. Unfortunately, there’s no way for me to watch it over again, because it’s a dream. If only there were a way to video tape dreams so that you could replay them. That’d be just amazing.

The first time I remember having a movie-dream was sometime last year. It was the most spectacular movie. The opening scene was this teenage boy and his dad fishing in a river when the boy suddenly sees a woman who looks like his mother going over some rapids. This is significant because he’s been told that his mother has been dead for years. Seeing the mother in the river sparks off a huge quest to find her. Unfortunately, as exciting as the plot was, I can’t remember how it ends. The mother must have been in some kind of witness protection program, or maybe she was a spy or something. The problem is, I just can’t remember.

Last night I had another great movie-dream. I tried to write as much as I could down as soon as I awoke, but it faded more quickly than I could write. It was about a woman living in Mexico who goes to visit her next door neighbor and finds herself in the midst of a huge family drama. The bottom line is that a baby girl’s mother has been killed (or taken hostage–I don’t remember) and the baby’s life is in danger as well. The woman and the next door neighbor’s son make a break for the border to get back into the US, where presumably, the person who’s trying to get the baby can’t get to them. They go to live with a couple in the woman’s extended family, but the extended family gets really suspicious about the whole thing and basically holds the couple and the baby hostage too. It was really a great dream–an incredible movie. The movie had a lot of tension, not just because of the obvious plot tension (kidnapping, murder, running away, etc.) but because the woman and the next door neighbor’s son didn’t know each other before they went running off to the US trying to get the baby away from whoever the guy was that wanted her. So there’s all sorts of relational tension too. The problem is that all the connecting factors are lost in my mind–which makes the movie seem completely ridiculous in the retelling. But really–this was a great movie. It was one that I forced myself back to sleep so that I could finish it–it was that good.

Man, if only I had a video recorder that could record dreams!!

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