
Autumn is, at long last, dropping into fall. Gone is the Indian Summer with its bread-baking noondays and cool evenings. Now, it is starting to get truly cold.

I got out of my bath to discover that, outside of the steamy warmth of the bathroom, I was cold. Only days ago, I had my overhead fan on. Today, I’m considering whether to turn on my electric blanket.

I did laundry today–and for the first time in a long time, I put more shirts in my sweater drawer than in my t-shirt drawer.

I saw a girl in a coat today, and it made me think–“I need to put a new lining in my fall coat.” I thought about it last spring, as I packed it away. I even added it to my running to-do list. But I haven’t paid much attention to it since. It certainly wasn’t priority. But it might be now.

I’m contemplating how this fall will be the same, and different, from previous ones. Like many other falls, my thoughts turn to Christmas with expectation. But thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, I may actually be able to enjoy the months leading up to Christmas (instead being destined to hibernation and sluggishness).
I’ve never dressed up for Halloween before–but this year, we have a costume contest at work (and I’m going to WIN!) I’ve generally gone on a hiatus from leg shaving during the fall and winter months–but this year I’ve got to be a professional, which means I probably shouldn’t bristle.

Fall–it’s a good season, I think. Let it come. Whatever it throws at me, old or new, I’m ready for it.

2 thoughts on “Fall”

  1. On 10.22.08 – 8:05 am
    Casandra said:

    Yes, it is getting cold. I refuse to wear a coat though. My parents had the heat on in their house yesterday and all I was wearing was a hoodie over a short-sleeve shirt. It was cold. I had my heater-fan on for part of the night. (it gets REALLY warm! *grin*)

    The thought of winter depresses me. The cold and snow and ice. The lack of nice traveling conditions. I like winter, it’s pretty. But it is only nice if I don’t have anywhere to go. =)

  2. On 10.23.08 – 8:58 pm
    mangsta2 said:

    I love fall. But yeah, the sunny fall with pleasant wind is coming to an end. The best thing about cold weather is the contrast between being under a blanket and being cold. If you’re the same temperature all the time, it’s kind of boring.


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