
I told my sister, in a comment on her blog, that only boring people are bored. What I failed to take into account is that one need not be bored to be without anything interesting to blog about.

I, for one, had an incredibly full and interesting day. I wasn’t bored for a minute. But I kind of doubt you’re interested in what I did today.

Chances are you aren’t interested in the details of my morning routine. Chances are, you don’t care that I remade my bed and folded and put away all my clothes as soon as they came out of the dryer.

You probably don’t care that I read Job 23 and Jeremiah 29 today–the first contained a passage I identified strongly with (v.8-9), the second contained a verse that gave me great hope (v. 13). You probably don’t care that I found my piano books and put in some practice time this morning.

Most likely you’re bored by medical terminology–and couldn’t care less that anoxemia is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. You don’t probably have any opinion about the studies that had me tearing my hair out today.

I can’t imagine that you’ll be excited to hear that I balanced my checkbook today, updated my family’s phone numbers in my new cell phone, and mailed in my cell phone refund.

My life, and my day, was interesting to me–but you most likely see it quite differently.

Well, I’m grateful for a packed full, productive, enjoyable day–even if it left me with a rather boring blog.

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