Quilting to Resume…

It’s been six months since we had weekly quilting circle at the ABC’s–but the break ends soon! Starting tomorrow, we will be resuming quilting at the ABC’s every Sunday afternoon from 3-5 (Note the earlier time–and realize that AB&C will need to leave for Life Group at 5 on the dot.)

We’re all beginners (most of the ladies are working on their first quilt) so don’t feel shy if you’ve never quilted before. Each of us is working on our own project, but we’re willing to help you get started on a project of your own (whether it be a potholder, a table runner, or a full sized quilt.) We have all the tools you need (unless you want to make sure the fabric matches your color scheme), so come right on.

Here’s a sample of what I’ve done over the past couple of years:

My quilt

My quilt top

Olivia's baby quilt

Nytejok's baby's quilt

Nyayan's baby's quilt

Hannah's baby quilt

My sister Grace completed this one at last year’s quilting circle:

Grace's quilt

If you’re in the city of Lincoln and would like to attend but don’t know my address, e-mail me or give me a call and we can work something out.

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