Simple Sunday: E-mail

Our family has been going through a rough patch as Grandpa’s been in the hospital and now in the nursing home. It’s been stressful for Grandma especially.

But kids and grandkids and great-grandkids have been up and down back and forth since Grandpa’s seizure. And even for those who haven’t been able to go up, e-mail has kept us connected.

I don’t have a picture–but I think an excerpt from Grandma’s latest e-mail will do.

She writes: “Thanks to all of you for all your gifts, prayers, visits, and just generally for being such great kids. I think Im getting spoiled. And I
like it.”

And I’m so thankful for e-mail and how it’s kept us all together.

Simple Sunday

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1 thought on “Simple Sunday: E-mail”

  1. On 01.11.09 – 9:22 pm
    Davene said:

    Thanks for joining in on Simple Sundays! I didn’t know if anyone would want to join in or not, but I’ve had so much fun with it that I wanted to make it available. It’s always inspiring to me to see what others are thankful for.

    I’m sorry about your Grandpa’s health issues and the toll that takes on the whole family. I remember when we had to make the decision to put my grandfather into a nursing home (something my grandmother had said she would never do, but was finally forced to because of his Alzheimer’s). I’ll pray for peace and comfort for all of you, especially your grandma, as you go through this transition.


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