A Girl’s Best Friend

Someone once said a diamond is a girl’s best friend. My Dad disagrees. He says ibuprofen is a girl’s best friend. I disagree.

Duct tape really is a girl’s best friend.

Cases in point:

  • When I’m putting together a box and folding just won’t do–duct tape to the rescue.
  • When I can’t take my car through the car wash because the back passenger window won’t roll up completely–duct tape fills the spot neatly.
  • When Casandra’s arrow gets snapped in half–duct tape covers the gaffe.
  • When the hot water heater blanket slips off, leaving the water cold–duct tape works much better than the stuff Menards sold.

Duct tape is a girl’s best friend.

On second thought, ibuprofen has its merits too–headaches, cramps, muscle pain, toothache–it fixes just about everything duct tape can’t.

But diamonds. Diamonds are nice too. Not that I’d know–I’ve never owned one. But they sure look nice.

Who said a girl is only allowed ONE best friend? Diamonds and ibuprofen and duct tape are a girl’s best friends.

2 thoughts on “A Girl’s Best Friend”

  1. On 01.14.09 – 8:07 am
    Casandra said:

    Haha! Nicely done! =)

    Although I’m sad to not be on the list. lol.

    I have to agree, duct tape is pretty much awesome (even tho the arrow didn’t exactly snap in HALF..)

    Have a blessed day, my love!

  2. On 01.14.09 – 8:09 am
    Casandra said:

    I’m sad it didn’t put the last line of the comment in.

    I signed it with a “less than 3” heart and said “one of many of a girl’s best friends”

    I think HaloScan is racist. *wink*


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