Life couldn’t possibly…

Not even probably… Life couldn’t possibly better be. (Lyrics from The Court Jester.)

But truly I have been blessed. I’m not sure life can get much better than it is right now.

I love my job (er, internship). Today I rolled a bazillion cinnamon rolls, plated some Bundt cake, observed the tray line, sat in on an interview, compared menus on old computer system and new, and rifled through some cooking magazines for recipe ideas.

I love my home. Today I baked off a few extra cinnamon rolls, made some hamburger buns, made a chicken pot pie from scratch (and my pie crust was FLAKY-Yay! I’ve finally mastered it!), started some more yogurt going, washed and replaced the sofa slipcovers, dusted and vacuumed the living room, swept and mopped the kitchen, and washed the “Joy to the World” off the patio door.

I love God. He met me at 5(am) before I left for work, He kept me safe and focused throughout the day. He’s restored my emotions (something I was beginning to think was impossible while I remained on the antidepressant.) And this evening I got a call from a friend I used to meet with regularly to do Bible study with. She said she had some extra time on Friday and she’s missed hanging out with me and talking about God. So we’re getting together this Friday to talk about God. Then my little sister had news–a family friend accepted Jesus as his Savior this evening at youth group.

Now I know I should be getting ready for bed–I do have to work (er, intern) tomorrow at 6:30–but tell me, can life possibly be better?

Life couldn’t possibly– not even probably– life couldn’t possibly better BE!

1 thought on “Life couldn’t possibly…”

  1. On 01.15.09 – 8:12 am
    Casandra said:

    Rebekah, I couldn’t agree more! Life has been REALLY HARD lately, but even now, thinking back to last night, I have tears in my eyes. God is such a faithful God!!

    Ya know, sometimes life hurts, but I don’t know that it could much “better be”. =) Praise God that He is faithful!!


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