Girl Talk (by Which I mean “Boys”)

At the DMV

Imagine the scene: A girl has just finished registering her car at the DMV. She turns aside to leave, “inadvertently” dropping her pen on the floor. She bends down to retrieve the pen. So does the guy at the booth next to her. They both look up, see one another, and walk off together to the lobby to talk for a while.

Sounds like a penny-dreadful, doesn’t it? And the girl seems ridiculously coy.

But it wasn’t like that at all. I mean, it looks like that–but that’s not how it really happened. I didn’t intend to drop the pen. And I never expected someone else to pick it up. And I didn’t expect the person who picked it up to be one of my former employees and a fellow grad student. What choice did I have but to briefly catch up with a former employee I haven’t seen or talked to since I resigned last December?

At the Hospital

Hospitals can be teaming with attractive men. That’s just the simple truth. Even my menopausal preceptor agrees–much to her daughter’s chagrin. The dietitian told me today that she responds to her daughter’s comments with “I can look, as long as I don’t taste.”

We were heading out onto the floor when a man walked out of the dining room. “That’s the one I told you about,” my dietitian whispered to me. And he was attractive, to say the least. He looked to be heading toward the elevators, so she directed us towards the elevators too. But he walked past the elevators and turned the corner (probably going to the stairs instead.) I couldn’t tell if she really was disappointed–but I could tell that I was relieved. It’s uncomfortable enough that she tells me she finds him attractive. It would be even more uncomfortable if I found myself stuck in the elevator (which makes me woozy anyway) with a rather good looking YOUNG man (I didn’t catch whether he was a doctor or a physical therapist) AND a slightly stalkerish older woman.

Unfortunately, they’re everywhere. Fortunately, we steer a WIDE berth around the doctors–meaning that I would consider myself VERY silly to go cuckoo over any of them. And I would NEVER be silly!

At the Grocery Store?

To answer Becky’s question, I have not seen the hot grocery guy since I first blogged about him. But having read her (Becky’s) insightful suggestions, I know just what to say should I run into him again. (I’m personally partial to “Boy, it sure is cold outside–and you are so HOT!” That one had me laughing for a week or so.)

2 thoughts on “Girl Talk (by Which I mean “Boys”)”

  1. On 04.09.09 – 5:35 am
    Becky@BoysRuleMyLife said:


    Ok, I was in a good mood that day, wasn’t I? hee hee. :-)

    Here’s the deal with being silly… it happens. I was quite silly when I met my hubs. So was he. Nothing forced or unnatural, we just were… and still are. Don’t go running because you feel silly – embrace it when the time is right!

    If you can’t snag the hot grocery guy and you have access to a place swimming with attractive men… put on a bathing suit! Jump in… submerse yourself. Ok, that might be a little too much (lol!) – just don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. It’s ok to be (and look) silly from time to time!

    Of course, now that it’s Spring, you’ll need a new pick-up line. LOL!


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