B3, RD: Every single day

Yesterday evening, I did my first presentation as a newly minted RD. I talked to the kids at Rock Solid about the five food groups.

We went through the five food groups, sorted some food items from my grocery bags into their appropriate food groups, and discussed how often we need to eat foods from each group.

The kids started to catch on after we’d gone through a couple of groups.

Q: How often do we need to eat things from the grains group?
A: Every single day!

Q: How often do we need to eat things from the vegetables group?
A: Every single day!

Q: How often do we need to eat things from the fruits group?
A: Every single day!

Q: How often do we need to eat things from the milk group?
A: Every single day!

Q: How often do we need to eat things from the meat and beans group?
A: Every single day!

In order to be healthy, we should be eating from ALL FIVE food groups every single day.

Yet even I, a dietitian, sometimes find this hard to do. I get to the end of the day and find that I haven’t had anything from the dairy group. Or I’ve been snacking and skipped the meats and beans group. You know what I mean.

Today’s B3, RD challenge: eat from ALL FIVE food groups today

(P.S. For those with dairy allergies, I know you can’t have milk. But you can choose Calcium-rich nondairy foods like fortified soy milk, tofu, or one of the many fortified juices. The rest of you have no excuse–there’s something in every group that you can eat!)

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