No Shave November

I don’t know how long the No Shave November thing has been going on. I first became aware of it five or so years ago when it seemed like all the guys at the University sprouted facial hair overnight.

According to the No Shave November site, there are several advantages of joining the phenomenon:

1. Be part of the “in” crowd by doing what all the cool kids are doing.
2. Real women like real men.
3. Save money on shaving cream, razors and other accoutrement.
4. Save time getting ready in the morning.

Nowhere in this site does it mention the advantages of no-shave November for WOMEN. The question is, can women still be a part of the “in” crowd if they fail to shave their legs? Do real men cringe at the thought of a “real woman” (legs au naturale)? Does not shaving save hassle or create it?

Naturally, I was curious to discover the answers to these questions. So I participated in my own form of No-Shave November by vowing off shaving my legs. I discovered that, as long as my legs are covered, no one knows whether I’ve shaved or not–and who bares their legs on a regular basis in November? Thanks to long skirts, slacks, and tights, I never experienced the ostracism that might otherwise have occurred due to my bristle. But trial runs of exposing part of my legs to friends and family revealed that few are fans of legs au naturale. My dad and brothers were most repulsed–although one brother chose to “play along” and compare leg hair with me.

As far as the hassle saved? Priceless. I saved at least ten minutes daily–leaving ten extra minutes available for reading. No Shave November was probably the one single factor most responsible for keeping me sane throughout the month of November.

Official decision? Not shaving (or shaving less often) is certainly a viable option for women during the winter months when they are unlikely to bare their legs. Doing so may save women time and money, without causing undue social ostracism. (Of course, I speak as an unmarried woman–married ladies might want to take their husband’s opinion into account ;-) ).

But, the best part of No Shave November is that I’ve grown my leg hair long enough that I can participate in that sadomasochistic act of female beautification: waxing. Tune in later for “No Shave November No Longer: on waxing.”

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