
Yes, I’m occasionally sucked into doing memes. And I often wonder why memes have such ridiculous titles–and ridiculous questions to go along with them. Nonetheless, I persist. This one is compliments of Johnny B (my almost little bro).

  1. Where did you take your profile picture?
    The picture in my “cast of characters” sidebar was taken in Mexico before an evening “out on the town”
  2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
    A Lincoln Christian Fellowship t-shirt with my new homemade yoga pants, and bright red socks with green toes and Christmas lights strung across them. (So I don’t ALWAYS get dressed in the morning–at least, not on Christmas-Eve-Eve.)
  3. What is your current problem?
  4. What makes you happy most?
    The amazing grace of God to a wretch such as I.
  5. What song are you listening to at the moment?
    Preta Porter de Tafeta with Leonard Lucini, obtained for free back when cNet had the option of letting musicians upload their songs for people to download.
  6. Any celeb you would marry?
    Not really
  7. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
    Depends on what you mean by “large.” I’ve sung at church before (as a member of the team). I’ve sung individually or as part of a group in front of my family (which numbers more than 50).
  8. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
    Yep. I AM posh spice, after all.
  9. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddy TV shows?
    Actually, I never really did watch kiddy movies or TV shows. I grew up without a TV (and think that it was a wonderful way to live). I do like the classic Disney princess movies, though (Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty). And I’m generally fond of “family-type” movies like “Cheaper by the Dozen”, “Yours, Mine, and Ours”, etc.
  10. Do you speak any language?
    Yes, I speak American English without accent (the Great Plains are home to “standard” American English–the kind you often hear on the radio or television). I also once learned some Spanish (not that I can actually speak it).
  11. What’s something that really annoys you?
    Questions that I can’t think of an answer for. The feral cats that hang out in my neighborhood. That my neighbor feeds said cats.

Chapter 1:

  1. Middle name: Marie (a family middle name–my grandma and aunt are both ____ Marie’s too)
  2. Nicknames: Bekah, Bekahcubed; Becky Jo, Becky Jane (only my father); Rebe, Menterbek, Ca-ca (yes, I know).
  3. Eye color: Blue

Chapter 2:

  1. Do you live with your parent(s):
    No way, Jose. I don’t know that I could respect myself if I were mooching off of my parents this late in life
  2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
    Absolutely. I consider them among my closest friends, confidants, and counselors. (For all those parents who’d love to have their kids say this, let me tell you that we did not get here because my parents tried to be my friend. We got here because my parents chose to be my parents–and we grew into this stage of the parent-child relationship.)
  3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
    Happily married, with a marriage I admire greatly.
  4. Do you have any Siblings?

    Oh, you want to know about them? Two sisters, four brothers, one soon to be sister-in-law with a couple of “outlaws” to go along with her (including the aforementioned Johnny B).

Chapter 3: Favorites

  1. Ice Cream: Butter Brickle, Raspberry Cow Tracks
  2. Season: One of the ones where I can go outside and still be warm. Probably spring or summer.
  3. Shampoo/conditioner: Don’t tell anyone, but I use Equate brand dandruff shampoo. They just started making it with a rather nice scent–as opposed to the icky stuff I remember from my childhood visiting my grandparents house. It’s still that rather gross shade of blue, though.

Chapter 4: Do You…

  1. Dance in the shower?
    Weird. No. I don’t really take showers very often–and if I do, I don’t generally dance in them. I do, however, sing in the shower–and read in the bathtub.
  2. Do you write on your hand?
    Usually not, although I did have a stage where I did it more frequently (Generally Isaiah 44:5)
  3. Call people back?
    Yes, although I can be pretty awful about checking my phone to see that I have messages.
  4. Believe in love?
    I believe in God. God is love. (I John 4:8)
  5. Any bad habits?
    Does anybody NOT have bad habits? I tend to dump my stuff on the floor of my bedroom when I get home from something. I often play with my ears (even in public). I’ve discovered I’m not too great at waiting for gentlemen to open the door for me.

Chapter 5: Have You…

  1. Broken a bone:
    Yes. Collar bone when I was 2 (fell out of bed), both bones in my right forearm when I was eight or so (Roller skates and gravel don’t always go together).
  2. Sprained stuff:
    Oh probably
  3. Had physical therapy:
  4. Gotten stitches:
    When I had a mole removed.
  5. Taken painkillers:
    Septoplasty. Wisdom tooth extraction. Took a few, tossed the rest. I prefer stoicism and generally don’t do anything more than a couple ibuprofen.
  6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
  7. Been stung by a bee:
    Yeah, sure. At least, I think so. I’m not afraid of bees, if that’s what you’re asking.
  8. Thrown up at the dentist:
    Why would I do that?
  9. Sworn in front of your parents:
    Sworn? No. Used bad language? Occasionally. I’m working on eliminating some of those epithets I’ve let myself get a little too comfortable using.
  10. Had detention:
    What is detention, exactly?

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last…

  1. Movie(s): Not sure, it’s been a while since I last saw a movie.
  2. Person to text you: Evan
  3. Person you called: Michele
  4. Person you hugged: Anna? My mom? Grace? My dad? I’m not sure.
  5. Person you tackled: Can’t say I’ve ever really tackled anyone.
  6. Person you talked to on MSN: Who talks on MSN?
  7. Thing you touched: My computer keyboard (snarky, I know.)
  8. Thing you ate: dried cranberries
  9. Thing you drank: water
  10. Thing you said: Not sure, I haven’t spoken to anyone yet this morning. Probably, “Oh Lord, have mercy” last night before I went to bed. (And I wasn’t swearing, I was PRAYING.)

Chapter 7: Future

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    Should God will, married and raising the start of a passel of kids.
  2. Where do you hope to live?
    Wherever God wants me to be. But I sure do like the Midwest.
  3. Do you want to be famous?
    Sort of. I want to be significant. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want to do everything that I do excellently. But I don’t want to be a celebrity.
  4. Will you have plastic surgery?
    No, I’m not really a fan of plastic surgery. At least, not the cosmetic kind. I think God made me well. Although I sort of already have had plastic surgery–the septoplasty. Thankfully, it didn’t “correct” my crooked nose (which I love), but it did help me to breathe more easily.

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