Thursday starts…

For me, Thursday starts on Wednesday night when I gather everything that I need for the next day, bathe, and pack myself into bed (hopefully not too late.)

Thursday is my “long day”–so named because I’m gone from 7 to 6. Certainly, it’s not the longest day I’ve ever had–one semester, I did two 14 hour days every week–but it’s long enough that I need to be prepared ahead of time.

So every Wednesday night, I put together my Thursday stuff.

Thursday stuff

Clothes and shoes set out, down to jewelry? Check. (I’ll add my glasses as soon as I take them off this evening.)

Bag of books, including graded papers to be returned and lab manual? Check.

Anything extra needed for lab? Check. (This week it’s returning the flour, salt, pastry dowels, and pastry blender I used to make pie crust–and, of course, bringing along the pie crusts I made for demonstration.)

Necessities for afternoon office hours and class? Check. (This week I’m not meeting with my dad for lunch, so I’ll have a spare hour to run home and grab the text and extra tests I’ll be administering during office hours. Usually, I’m a bag lady carting half a dozen bags around campus.)

Computer off. That’s the tricky part.

I’ve got to actually get off the computer and get to bed if I really want to have a successful Thursday.

So, as Thursday starts for me, I bid you good night.

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