Thankful Thursday: TAing

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Today I’m thankful…
…for the compliment one of my students unwittingly paid me today
…for two wonderful instructors to TA under
…for the student I was administering a test to this afternoon not showing up to my office hours before I did (I was right on the line and how I HATE to be late. Kind of weird to be thankful that my student WAS late, though!)
…for the decent amount of grading I got done this afternoon while proctoring said exam
…that although the Blackboard course management software eats up large chunks of my life, it is NOT my life.
…that I have a job for next semester (even if I don’t know who it’ll be with–if one of them doesn’t take me, another has already told me I’m her first choice)

Oh, and I just about forgot…

I’m also thankful…
…that I’m leaving on a jet plane
even if I’ll be back again
after a few short days
in sunny Southern Cali
seeing my friend Amy wed
rooming with Veronica
catching up with Sandra
It’s the opposite coast
from where we met
but it’s where we’ll meet again
Another juncture in our lives
as we run this race together

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