I’m not always so great about picking up my blog awards and passing them along–but I figured I’d do that today in lieu of my usual meme.
Last month, I was delighted and honored to receive the “Stylish Blogger” award from Bobbi of Blogging Along.
And now, this week, Monica of Being a Titus 2 Woman has bestowed on me the Versatile Blogger award.

Thank you to Bobbe and Monica both–it’s an honor and a pleasure to have you as readers (and online friends).
The “rules” for both awards state that I should list 7 random things about me and then award 15 other bloggers with the same awards–but I’m going to be somewhat of a rule-breaker and will tell you 7 non-random things about me and then award 7 other bloggers with the Stylish and Versatile blogger awards.
Non-Random Info about Me: Honors Received
- Today, I received the nicest thank you note from one of the girls who came to my tie-dye party. She thanked me for the party and said she can’t wait to do more stuff with me. (I agree, I can’t wait to do more with her!)
- I went in to work today to finish up some work, recognizing that I probably won’t have much time to get stuff done next week–and I found an e-mail from a coworker in my inbox. She was stressed, but she said she appreciated how much of a help I’ve been in the past several weeks. (I am glad to be of help.)
- One of the nurses at one of the facilities I consult with poked her head into my door yesterday, just to chat. We talked a bit about books and education–and then she told me “I’m sorry I’m taking so much of your time. It’s just that you’re so nice” (I don’t at all mind–and I so appreciate her kind words.)
- After Bible Study on Wednesday, my sister and I and another gal stuck around chatting with our Bible study leader and her son. We had a raucous time, with plenty of laughter all around–and as we were leaving, my Bible study leader said, “You guys are idiots…” and then qualified, “just like a part of the family.” (Oh how I enjoy being a part of your family.)
- I was fishing for compliments on Facebook on Tuesday–quoting a spam comment “You must be a genius” and begging a real person to tell me the same–when my Dad Facebook IM’d me. He told me I was smart, but that smarts weren’t everything. He quoted I Corinthians 8:1-3
“Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.”
and then told me “Bekah, you love God.” (I am so blessed to be known by God–and to have a Dad who reminds me of the true honor found in that.)
- This week, I was talking with someone–I don’t even remember who–and she passed on that she’d heard one of the uppers mention that she thought I was doing a great job. (It’s so nice to hear affirmation on the job–where I so often feel like I’m making unbearably slow progress.)
- Last week, one of the women I’m close to at church wrote me a note saying how much she appreciates me. She said she loves to have me as a part of her family–and looks forward to including me even more with her family. (I am so blessed an honored to have her and her family’s friendship.)
Now that I’ve got myself crying as I recall receiving so much (mostly unmerited) honor, it is my pleasure to bestow the small honors of the Stylish Blogger Award and the Versatile Blogger Award on 7 blogs I enjoy.
7 Stylish and Versatile Bloggers
Awarded alphabetically by first name rather than by order of importance.
- Barbara of Stray Thoughts
Books, Christianity, and Everyday life. These might be Barbara’s “stray” thoughts, but I find them quite on point. Barbara’s writing challenges and encourages me.
- Carrie of Reading to Know
Whether it’s a review of a children’s book at Reading my Library or a reflection on hospitality at Offering Hospitality or a rant on some book or another at Reading to Know, I love reading what Carrie writes.
- Davene of Spilled
This lady is just plain special. She’s one of my earliest bloggie friends–and she’s a friend worth keeping. What’s more, her vignettes and reflections from life as a wife and mother are delightful (Check out her “Speaking of Love” theme from this month.)
- Jenna of Breath Captures Photography
I’ve only been following Jenna for a couple of months, but I am majorly impressed with her beautiful photos–she is one talented teen.
- Jim of Jim’s Little Blog
Not sure what Jim’ll think of the “Stylish” moniker–but I do love reading this transplanted Husker’s blog. He’s a regular participant in Flashback Fridays (with the advantage that he’s older than your average blogger and thus has more memories to share) and also writes some mean micro-fiction. What with all the life experiences he’s had (and still has), this man astounds me!
- Lisa of Lisa Notes
Whether it’s a book review, a reflection on life, or a devotional thought, Lisa’s writing is pure poetry.
- Lori of Argyle and Apricots
Her writing can be random, a bit here-a bit there. Miscellany. Deep thoughts and silly stuff. But it’s always interesting. I love it when a new post of hers pops up in my reader.
So there you have it. Honors bestowed that I’m pleased to pass along.
Aw, thank you! I am so honored! I’m VERY grateful for your friendship through blogging, and I immensely admire your wisdom, eloquence, and determination–not to mention your energy. How do you do all that you do? ;-)
You’re welcome, Davene. I realized when I saw your comment that I’d forgotten to notify my “winners” that I’d awarded them.
All I can say is “ditto”.
Thanks Bekah. Like Davene, I am honored.
And yes, we are so excited about our open door. I was not as excited yesterday as I hung my head over the edge of the couch sure that I was going to die any moment from the morning sickness. But excited again today so all is well.
I feel honored getting an award from you! I always read your blog faithfully and am impressed with your maturity and faith. Thanks for your friendship to so many of us – it blooms out of your friendship with the Lord.
Thanks so much, Bekah. I am truly honored by the award and your kind words.
How nice to receive feedback of affirmation and appreciation from people you’ve interacted with!
Your father is a wise man and his influence is felt in your thoughts and writing.