My Post-Apocalyptic Character

So, a Facebook acquaintance of mine posted this thing about “getting into character”. Not sure if it’s for a story or a video game or something entirely other–but I thought the questions were funny, so I’m going to pretend they’re a meme and answer them. (Please be aware that the answers to these questions are not necessarily true–which doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re false.)

What were you doing before the world ended? What was your job?

I was a librarian who spent most of my time in the basement book re-binding area “fixing” (aka reading) books.

Who did you eat for breakfast this morning, and why?

Albatross. “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and Whodunit, the nerdy person’s mystery game.

What’s in your post-apocalyptic wardrobe? Which possessions do you always keep close?

Reading glasses, support hose, and Shakespeare’s complete works.

How do you feel about eating people? Is it evil? Where, if anywhere, do you draw the line?

Always wrong. But I don’t ask questions when I’m offered albatross (I Cor. 10:25)

How did you survive “the end” when so many others did not?

The aforementioned book rebinding area? Terrific fallout shelter. And books provide both hope and knowledge for surviving nuclear holocaust.

What are your hopes for the future? Do you think humanity will recover?

Future for this place? Maybe, maybe not. My hope is in another world.

What do you miss most about civilized life and the way things were?

A decent teapot. Boiling water in a pan makes a greatly inferior cuppa.

What things are better now?

No middle school “visitors” to the library.

Did you lose anyone special?

“Cat”, my pet fish.

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