Me in my fur hat (1) immediately after teaching Jeremiah and Lamentations (2), Me in my brand-new homemade lab coat (11), My hair in a French fold (21)
- Wear my fur hat
- Teach Jeremiah and Lamentations
- Install a full mirror in bathroom
- Paint half-moon toenails
- Play Taboo
- Play Bible Outburst
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #125-Blaise Pascal: Man of Reason and Faith
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #126-Blaise Pascal: Two Apologetics Insights
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #127-Blaise Pascal: The Wager, part 1
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #128-Blaise Pascal: The Wager, part 2

First Row: My oatmeal clay ornaments (14), Christmas storage (16)
Second Row: Before and after pretzel making (23)
- Make lab coat
- Replace toilet seat
- Write review of Has God Spoken?
- Make oatmeal clay ornaments
- Make Wagon Wheel Pasta Pizza Casserole
- Figure out Christmas storage
- Make new Thankful Thursday Button
- Get rid of “Cast of Characters” on sidebar
- Send a birthday card to my dad
- Complete “Nutrition and Wound Healing” continuing education

First Row: Farm Girl Granola (22), Sailor’s Knot Bracelet (28)
Second Row: Lemon Scented Hand Scrub (29) and potted rosemary (30)
- Wear my hair in a French fold
- Make “farm girl” granola
- Make homemade soft pretzels
- Write “Newspaper” themed Flashback
- Make maple hot cocoa
- Watch Gnomeo and Juliet (which I’m classifying as a family-friendly movie)
- Make snowflake window clings
- Make a Sailor’s Knot Bracelet
- Make Lemon-scented kitchen hand scrub
- Attempt to grow rosemary on my windowsill

First Row: Cranberry Pecan Upside Down Cake (32), Toasted Squash Seeds (35)
Second Row: Rosemary Peasant Bread (31)
- Make Rosemary Peasant Bread
- Make Cranberry-Pecan Upside-Down Cake
- Make Hot 5-Bean Salad
- Make Cayenne Cocoa
- Toast squash seeds
- Hear and Obey (Keeping Promises)
I officially have to complete 38.7 projects per week in order to complete 2012 this year–which means that I’m already behind–except that I’ve started on a Bible reading project, a blogging project, a sewing project, a couple of different reading projects, and a memorization project. So I think I’m probably right on target at the one week mark :-)
What a great project! I think I would be overwhelmed with the thought of so many projects in one year. I found several of your projects though that intrigue me, and I am going to look into doing them too.
I would like to eat that rosemary bread.
No more cast of characters?!
I’d say you’ve gotten off to a nice start! =) These are going to be very fun posts.