WiW: Wonderful Plans

Wayne Grudem on the practical application of the doctrine of providence:

“David was able to sleep in the midst of his enemies because he knew that God’s providential control made him ‘dwell in safety,’ and he could say, ‘In peace I will both lie down and sleep’…..Because of our confidence in God’s providential care, we need not fear any evil or harm, even if it does come to us–it can only come by God’s will and ultimately for our good.”
~Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology

As my Sunday School children learned a couple of weeks ago, God’s sovereignty is scary to the unbeliever and comforting to the believer. The unbeliever knows that God’s sovereignty means judgment for sin and sinners, and understandably resists this doctrine. The believer knows that God’s sovereignty means good for him, because God has declared his plans in his word: “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom 8:29 ESV, emphasis mine). Because of this, the believer rightly embraces the doctrine of God’s providence.

Christians in Arena

The Christian can take confidence, even when faced with lions in an arena, that God has wonderful plans for his life.

After all, as my Sunday School students learned this week from Ezekiel, God specializes in making dead bones live.

The Week in WordsDon’t forget to take a look at Barbara H’s meme “The Week in Words”, where bloggers collect quotes they’ve read throughout the week.

2 thoughts on “WiW: Wonderful Plans”

  1. That was a hard lesson to learn, that being kept “safe” doesn’t necessarily mean what we think it means, but that we can trust God’s love and care through whatever trials He allows.


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