Thankful Thursday: Sick Day

Thankful Thursday bannerTruthfully, it’s never fun being sick. It stinks to be running to the bathroom and to have your nose forever dripping (Yes, I managed to have two separate but simultaneous maladies. My body really knows how to pile it on.)

But if I’ve got to be sick, this is the kind of sick I like. So long as I was near a bathroom and a handkerchief, I didn’t feel awful, and I could still do all sorts of the puttery stuff I like to do (as in, read.)

Today I’m thankful…

…for finishing books
It’s so lovely to stay in bed (okay, or spend time in the–but that’s TMI, isn’t it?) and read a book, knowing that you can do so until you’ve finished said book, if you should so choose.

…for a sister who cooks
Grace had today off work, so she got up rather late and started puttering around in the kitchen (well, she started puttering after several hours of internet activity). She made lunch and a cheesecake (which we have *not* yet eaten)–and, best of all, she cleaned the kitchen

…for Harry Potter on CD
Grace asked nicely if we could listen to The Sorcerer’s Stone on our way back from Lincoln on Sunday. Since she’d asked nicely (and since we were in her car), I said that would be fine. And then, of course, I couldn’t just not hear the rest of the story. So I’ve been listening during periods of unavoidable delay–and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit.

…for Bible study in bed
Another activity which hasn’t included much leisure of late. I find myself spending all too little time in the word–and way too much of my time rushing through chapters and verses. It was wonderful to actually study today.

…for working from home (but not too much)
Sometimes it’s a drag that I can (and sometimes have to work from home–but other times it’s a real blessing. If I couldn’t have done some work today, I’d be uber-rushed and really stressed tomorrow. As it is, I was able to get a fair bit of busywork (but necessary busywork) done from home in between conversation with my little sis and perusing craft blogs.

…for only a 24(ish) hour bug
Honestly, I don’t know exactly when it started, or if it’s entirely ended–but it is certainly getting better. It’s handy when such things manage to wear themselves out in less than a day. Saves a lot of trouble.

But now, with my sick day behind me, it’s time for me to take my bath and go to bed. Tomorrow is a work day and I’ve got to be fully recovered in time for Saturday’s bash–we’re having a party to welcome my new sister-in-law to the family. It’ll be the first time most of the extended family (including my grandparents) has had a chance to meet her, since she and John have both been doing their Marine stuff for the last year and a half. So, yes, must be off to get myself rested.

G’night and God Bless!

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Sick Day”

  1. I confess that the reason (and really, the only reason) I like to be sick is because it means I have a great excuse to crawl into bed and finish reading lots of books. Oh, and I don’t “have” to cook. (But I like cooking and I usually do it anyway.) Being sick on a weekend is like a mini-mom vacation. Maybe I shouldn’t confess that . . .


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