In Which I am Blue

A couple nights ago, I found myself unexpectedly singing Madame Blueberry’s tune…

I’m so blue-hoo-hoo
I’m so blue I don’t know what to do.

I’d spray painted a thrifted file cabinet a beautiful navy blue–and hadn’t realized at the time that I’d also painted myself rather blue.

Since I was wearing a skirt and a sleeveless top while painting (what else?) I’d managed to cover both my legs and my arms with a fine mist of blue paint. Strangely enough, it was the backs of my legs (which faced away from where I was spraying) that got the most paint. And since it was the backs of my legs that got the paint, I didn’t realize that I’d painted myself until hours later when I was preparing for my bath. Whoops!

Now, I don’t know what most people do when they paint themselves blue… (What, you’ve never painted yourself blue? Come on, you gotta live a little.)

But what I did was…well, really, I didn’t notice the extent of the problem until I was already in my bathwater. Which is a rather inconvenient.

So I lathered and scrubbed. I grabbed a salt/oil scrub and lathered and scrubbed some more. I alternated soap and salt scrub and soap again, until at last, in the dim light that is my evening bath atmosphere, I looked clean.

I drained the tub and started singing a different song.

I had left a great blue ring in the tub.

What to do? What to do?

Being a great reader, I grabbed mother’s best dress and wiped up that tub ring quick as a spot.

But now mother’s dress had a spot…

Okay, I didn’t really use mother’s dress. I used my trusty spray bottle full of vinegar and one of my bathroom-cleaning rags.

But I did think about using mother’s dress, if mother’s dress were around.

But I suppose it wouldn’t have been wise even had mother’s dress been around, because I had no Voom to ultimately make it go away–and even if I had Voom, would Voom work when there’s no snow?

It’s dry here. Very, very dry.

I’m bleeding blue for the farmers. One I know is spending thousands of dollars a day to irrigate–and may or may not end up with a crop to show for it.

Yes, that’s why I painted myself blue. For the farmers. Of course.

I knew I had a reason…I just had to come to it.

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