Packing for the hospital (and other preparatory activities)

Tirzah Mae takes after her mama in quite a few areas – and one of them appears to be the propensity to read up on life changes before they occur. She’s been working hard the past month or so, preparing for the new baby by reading books about new babies. (The real story? Louis got into the shelf of “new baby” books that happens to be near the storytime area at the library one Thursday and we ended up with half a dozen “new baby” books to peruse.)

Tirzah Mae’s favorite of the new baby books is, without a doubt, Lizzy Rockwell’s Hello Baby!. I’ve read it to her by request at least a half a dozen times – but, beyond that, it’s a rare day that doesn’t find Tirzah Mae silently reviewing its pages.

Hello Baby is different from many of the “new baby” books in that it focuses less on the big sibling’s emotions regarding the new baby and more on what to expect when mom’s pregnant.

Doctor’s appointments (ma-ppointments, Tirzah Mae calls them), complete with a Doppler (Tirzah Mae calls it a “gobbler”) to check baby’s heartbeat. Mama going through old baby clothes to set out some things for the new baby. Packing a bag for the hospital. Grandma coming over when it’s time for mama to go have the baby. It’s all very well done.

Tirzah Mae has been paying careful attention to what she’s been learning. She checks my blood pressure and invites me onto her examination table just about daily so she can listen to the baby with her gobbler. She reminds me that we already went through our boxes of baby clothes to have some ready for the baby when he comes. And yesterday she decided it was time to pack my bag for the hospital.

So long as what I need in the hospital is dishrags, I’m all set to go.

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