This Moment

Sometimes, I just want to take a snapshot of this moment in time, so I can remember the ordinary not-so-noteworthy things that nevertheless make life as a parent of young children so delightful.

Like how Shiloh is taking her tentative first steps – three to five at a time, but only when she thinks no one is watching.

Like how Beth-Ellen gave me dozens of pretend gifts for my birthday and then carefully gathered together all the pretend wrapping paper and took it to papa to be shredded and composted.

Like how Louis has suddenly decided that drawing is a thing and is busily creating books full of animals, complete with captions, when only a week ago he didn’t even bother trying to be representational with his artwork.

Like how Tirzah Mae found a math workbook and raced through half of it in less than a day’s time.

Thank you, Lord, for these precious moments.

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