Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful:

  • for Liz for agreeing to grade this second round of papers (so I can hopefully study for my RD exam)
  • for Dr. Miner for letting me turn in my biochemistry paper a little late
  • for Dr. Lewis and all my classmates for all their kind words when I came in to class yesterday an hour late and decidedly sick (as in: sniffling, raspy, and not very talkative–but I didn’t have a fever, so I wasn’t sure that I should just skip)
  • for Dr. Jones for telling me to go home when she heard me. Not having to attend her lecture meant I could get my biochem paper finished this evening.

I’m also thankful:

  • that I got to celebrate Frodo and Bilbo’s birthday yesterday with Joanna
  • that my roommate and I BOTH went grocery shopping yesterday, so I had a good excuse to make myself some poached eggs in milk over toast (now that I ate two eggs and a couple cups of milk, we have two dozen eggs and two gallons of milk in our fridge)
  • that my room is still tolerably clean despite my recent tendency to emotional breakdowns
  • that I found a nice cheap hand mixer at the used store today

And then there are the not-so-quantifiable things I’m thankful for:

  • That God is sovereign over my schedule, the RD exam, my thesis proposal (which I’m going to have to write someday here)
  • That God is faithful to provide whatever I need (money, a new roommate, more time, wisdom, the list seems to go on and on)
  • That God is merciful when I blow it one more time

1 thought on “Thankful Thursday”

  1. Amen! I am glad we serve such a faithful God!

    oh! and just in case I haven’t told you recently – I’m really glad we’re roommates, friends and sisters. I love you and I appreciate all that you are to me! =)


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