Rebekah Menter and the Adventure of the Purloined(?) Purse

The clock said 10:26–I had four minutes to go when my boss beckoned me. I had a phone call, she said, from the University Police.

I was a bit shocked, until she said, “Something about a missing wallet?

Seems the purse I thought I’d left on top of Jack and therefore lost somewhere on my little dead end street actually made its way to campus, where a kindhearted kid picked it up and took it to the campus police.

I dropped by the station to pick it up–the policewoman wanted me to inspect it, make sure nothing was missing. “Well, my cell phone is destroyed” I said. “Destroyed?” She sounded shocked. I knew it sounded extreme, but I didn’t know how else to describe it. I showed her the battery that had come unplugged and the flip top that was completely separated from the keypad–revealing thin copper sheets of circuitry. “Oh yes. Do you want to file a report?–Cause we have the name of the guy who dropped it off.” I assured her that I had no interest in filing a report. “I’ll just buy a new phone. After all, the purse was on the ground somewhere–it could have been in the street or in a parking lot and gotten run over.” She conceded that was a possibility. Nothing else was missing or disturbed. I signed the papers and left for class.

And after class, I dropped by the cell phone store, where I picked up a new phone, free after mail-in-rebate. We renewed our contract about a month ago, but I saw no need to get a new phone when the one I had worked just fine. My frugality/eco-friendliness paid off, since I ended up with a brand new free phone right after mine had been destroyed.

Within five hours of “losing” my phone, I had a new one that worked. Pretty amazing if you think about it. Someone must be on my side ;-)

However, that leaves me address-book-less for the moment. So if you want me to put you back on my new contact list, give me a call or text me at my same old number (and don’t forget to tell me who you are.) If you don’t call me, I’ll just wait until I have to call you, then I’ll look it up the old-fashioned way–by calling my mom!

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