Bits of this and that

I’m become a bit TOO familiar with the definition of the word paresthesia. (And for all you worry-warts out there, NO I do not have MS. It’s more likely a slight repetitive strain injury sustained while bicycling.

That’s right, I said bicycling. I’ve been doing a bit of it because Joanna and I (and maybe my mom and dad and her dad and brother) are going to try to ride the Cowboy Trail next year. Joanna and I did ~13 miles on Sunday, my folks and Anna and I did ~5.5 yesterday, and Anna and I did another 5.5 today. All in all, a fun time. Thank God for a nice cushy seat (or I’d be talking SADDLE SORE!)

Speaking of Joanna, I’m reminded that I need to get to work on another baby quilt (I’m reminded because we generally quilt together). A friend of mine in KC has a baby on the way and I’ve been invited to her shower next month. That means I’d best get moving. I wonder, does she know if she’s having a girl or a boy? (I seem to have a preponderance of little girl fabrics lying about.)

On a completely unrelated note, one of my favorite “male bloggers” wrote a couple of days ago about the Codex Sinaiticus. It’s online now. Really. Don’t I wish I could read Greek.

Another of my favorite male bloggers (okay, he’s the only other blogger in my “male blogger” folder) left a comment on his own page explaining a bit about the pirate poster. Really, I think our police chief is fantastic–and the pirate poster never fails to be amusing.

Did you know that ducks live in trees? Well they do. Really.

Earlier this evening, I Googled “how to twitter at someone.” It’s an unusual sensation–being technologically illiterate. You can follow me @bekahcubed.

And I’m clearly getting a bit spacey–since I just almost took my full round of morning meds instead of my evening ones. Maybe an indicator that it’s time to head to bed?

Ooo–except that I’ve got to get in a last comment. We ate the first tomato from my plants today! It was delish!

Lessons learned…

When I spent a summer as a housekeeper at the Sawgrass Marriott, I learned a lot. I learned how to fold fitted sheets. I learned how to make a bed “from side to side”–only walking around the bed once. I learned how to fold towels into fans and points. I learned fold points in the toilet paper. I learned how to dry a shower curtain. I’ll probably never again use most of those things (except folding a fitted sheet–I use that one on a weekly basis!) But, from being on the other side, I learned how to be a good hotel patron. I learned to use the luggage rack instead of piling my luggage on a bed. I learned the value of a tip. I learned to NOT stash the little containers of lotion and shampoo every day–wait until the end of your stay, then stow them in your bag before you leave. I learned the value of the “Do not disturb” sign–and the importance of removing it after you’re done.

Likewise, I learned an awful lot about dietetics from my time at St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center–but the stuff that will stick with me is what I learned about being a patient.

I learned that age isn’t about how many birthday’s have gone past, it’s all about the attitude you’ve chosen to take towards the life you’ve lived.

I learned that stupidity knows no age limit–and that it’s worth being avoided at all costs.

I learned that family can be a hindrance or a help to the healing process.

I learned that power of attorney is a VERY good thing.

But the message that sticks with me the most, the piece I feel compelled to share is: DON’T PUT OFF TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF.

I’ve seen way to many patients who were dying and didn’t have to be. They ignored their checkups, they ignored their bodies, they didn’t go to the doctor for years and years. And when they finally got to the hospital, it was too late. They had a terminal diagnosis and nothing could be done but to put them on palliative care.

Please don’t be that person. Even if you don’t think anything is wrong with you, you should go in to the doctor for a routine physical AT LEAST every three years. Women should have a gynecological exam and breast exam every year after the age of 21 or the onset of intercourse, whichever occurs first. After age 50, this should include a mammogram. Men should go in for a testicular exam every year. After age 50, both sexes should get colonoscopies every 10 years and fecal occult blood tests more often than that. You should have a fasting lipid panel taken AT LEAST every five years. And you should be regularly screened for hypertension (at every visit and at least once a year.)

And when your doctor tells you something? Take it seriously. When your doctor tells you to get your diabetes under control and refers you to a dietitian to have diet counseling? Do it. Even if there’s an extra cost, you’re worth it. I’ve seen way too many people who let their diabetes fly out of control and are now missing toes, feet, and even whole legs. Your doctor tells you that you need to lose weight. Get serious about making sustainable lifestyle changes. I’ve seen too many people who continued along their current course and now have complications that can’t be treated–surgery is too risky for someone their size.

These kind of patients tear me up. Not just because they’re in pain or because they’re dying, but because it was PREVENTABLE. They didn’t have to be in pain, they don’t have to be dying. They had a choice. But when they had the choice, they chose not to take it. Rather than staying on top of their health, they decided to just let it slide. And it slid to places they never wanted it to go. Please, please, please, don’t be one of those patients.

Make your decision now. Choose life.

Simple Sunday: That My Bike Was Still There

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~Thankful for so much it’s crazy!

  • Thankful for this class being over–it was a busy five weeks.
  • Thankful to be done with my case presentation.
  • Thankful to be done with clinical rotations–only 3 more weeks ’til I’m done with the internship for keeps!
  • Thankful for good friends and a great family (who I now have time to spend with since the above is done.)
  • And mostly, thankful that my bike wasn’t stolen this afternoon.


I’ve had shoes stolen out of my car at that library–so when I realized I hadn’t brought my bike lock, I was a bit aprehensive. I fiddled about with the bike for what was like five minutes, trying to decide whether to actually go in and browse like I had planned. Finally I decided I might as well leave it in God’s hands and go get my books.

Boy was I relieved when it was still there–and with all it’s doo-dad’s too.

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: Sunday School Silliness

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~Thankful for a chance to be silly with some of the “adults” at my church. We just finished a round of Sunday school classes–and, as is our tradition, we had a Sunday school fellowship hour to wrap up this segment and begin the next.

We fellowshipped for a half an hour or so over coffee and donuts–then my dad, the elder in charge of Sunday Schools, handed out little scraps of paper in preparation for some Bible trivia. The Bible trivia was a lot of fun–and got even funner when some of the *ahem* adults in the room decided to start making and launching paper airplanes using the leftover scraps of paper.

Paper Airplanes on the Floor

Absolute hilarity.

Just to clarify, I was not one of the *ahem* adults who started the juvenile behavior. Both the youth and the 20S Sunday School were decorous almost until the end. The instigator was a woman who shall remain nameless but who happens to be a mother of a couple of 20S and a youth–and the wife of an elder currently on furlough.

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Plants need water

I’m considering myself a brand-new gardener, having never gardened successfully in the past. I have only gardened in the same way that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and American car companies have been successful business–via the bail-out.

It’s only my mom’s patient bail-out that kept our family from starving (okay, I’m exagerating a little) those years that I tried “taking over the garden.” I didn’t water often enough, didn’t weed often enough, lost interest before harvest came close. I was a horrid gardener. Mostly because I didn’t really tend the garden.

This year, I’ve been a bit better–probably because “gardening” is on my daily to-do list. Even so, I have days (or weekends) where I fail to care properly for my plants–and the plants suffer as a result.

My tomato plants needed water this weekend, water I didn’t give them. So now they look like this.

Tomato Plants

My tomatoes need water every single day.

So do I.

…My soul thirsts for You;

My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.

Psalm 63:1b

Simple Sunday: International Quilt Study Center

~Thankful for quilting–and the long tradition of quilting that goes on before me. Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the International Quilt Study Center with a friend and fellow quilter this afternoon.

State Flowers Quilt compliments of International Quilt Study Center

The above quilt was created from a kit–only the quilter appliqued each individual flower rather than embroidering it. Each piece is tiny–and incredibly intricate. Read more about the State Flowers Quilt on the IQSC website–and sign up for an e-mailed Quilt of the Month club if you’d like.

Simple Sunday icon

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Case Studies in Greatness: Uncle Andrew

Uncle Andrew is a magician. He’s done much experimentation and explored many mysteries to get to where he is, and he’s quite proud of his accomplishments.

What’s more, he’s quite proud of himself in general–even without accomplishments to back him up. He describes himself to Digory as a man “who possess[es] hidden wisdom.” Once away from the terror of Jadis, he begins to think himself a rather “distinguished-looking man”. “‘Andrew, my boy,’ he said to himself as he looked in the glass, ‘you’re a devilish well preserved fellow for your age.'” When he finds himself in Narnia (by no act of his own) and observing a miraculous creation event, he is still full of his own greatness–“Ho, ho! They laughed at my magic….I wonder what they’ll say now? I have discovered a world where everything is bursting with life and growth. Columbus, now, they talk about Columbus. But what was America to this?”

Ultimately, though, Uncle Andrew’s “greatness” (or at least his perceived greatness) is an excuse to do whatever he likes without regard for rules or relationship. Digory had this figured out by the second chapter. Uncle Andrew says “But of course you must understand that rules…however excellent they may be for little boys–and servants–and women–and even people in general, can’t possibly be expected to apply to profound students and great thinkers and sages…” After hearing Uncle Andrew’s monologue, Digory reflects: “All it means…is that he thinks he can do anything he likes to get anything he wants.”

Andrew selfishly regards himself as great, while taking liberties with the lives of others. Asked why he did not travel to the other world himself, Andrew answers: “Me? Me?…A man at my time of life, and in my state of health, to risk the shock and the dangers of being flung suddently into a different universe?” For him to take risks for his magic would be preposterous–but he has no qualms with sending Polly and Digory where he himself would not go.

In Uncle Andrews mind, greatness means being above the law. For him, greatness means having the right to do whatever he pleases, never mind the consequences to others.

The Point of The Magician’s Nephew

What is the point of The Magician’s Nephew? Why was it written?

Ostensibly, the answer to this question is found in the very first chapter, in the very first paragraph, in the second sentence: “It is a very important story because it shows how all the coming and going between our world and the land of Narnia first began.” Really, The Magician’s Nephew is just a way to fill in the missing puzzle piece–how Narnian’s and Earth-folk got mixed up together. Or at least, that’s what Lewis would have you think. He carries this pretense along to the very end, stating in the second to last paragraph of the book: “That was the beginning of all the comings and goings between Narnia and our world, which you can read of in other books.”

Obviously, I think that there’s something more to The Magician’s Nephew than simply being a stage-setting story.

Okay, okay then–what is the point of The Magician’s Nephew?

Actually, that’s a hard question to answer. But I think that maybe the point of The Magician’s Nephew, the main theme that ties it all together is greatness.

How Others See Me

As part of a professional development exercise, Dr. K asked the interns to have a friend fill out a little worksheet. The worksheet contained several dozen adjectives. The friend was supposed to circle ten to fifteen adjectives they felt described the person in question (the intern.)

The instructions read, “Ask someone who is close to you–spouse, sibling, roommate, or friend–to circle 10 to 15 traits that describe you.” I chose my sister–who fits into the “sibling”, “roommate”, and “friend” categories.

She circled the following traits:

  • Active
  • Frugal
  • Idealistic
  • Independent
  • Persuasive
  • Responsive
  • Scientific
  • Determined
  • Liberal :-P
  • Precise
  • Radical

When we were asked to read aloud the traits our friends had circled, Dr. K hummed and nodded for several of my classmates. She agreed with their friend’s analysis of them. For me, she didn’t so much. Her response was more of a “Hmm” (with the head nod that indicates she didn’t see it at all.)

I guess I’m not really surprised that she didn’t agree with my sister’s analysis (even if I agreed with her analysis just fine). You see, I’m rather good at compartmentalizing–at choosing which aspects of my personality to show in different settings.

Personally, I think it’s the radical that threw Dr. K off–and I can understand why it might. After all, I don’t generally broadcast the more radical aspects of my being within a professional setting. Class isn’t really the best place to bring up my radical views regarding childbirth. And I’d prefer not to discuss my more radical environmental choices with any but my closest friends. If I’m going to rant about politics (another area of radicalism), I’d rather do it in a setting in which 1) I won’t offend anyone or 2) it doesn’t matter if I offend someone. In class and on the job doesn’t really fulfill either qualification. Since I consider many of my most radical choices to be PERSONAL choices–that I don’t want to push on others–I steer clear of getting too passionate about them among people who don’t know me well enough to know that just because I’m getting excited about the topic doesn’t mean I’m judging them for their lack of excitement about the topic. (Environmentalism, certain feminist/anti-feminist ideas, education, childbirth…quite a few topics fit under this category.)

So what do you think? From what you’ve seen of me and know of me, do those adjectives describe me? What are the first words that come to your mind when you think of me?

On the other hand, have you ever been in a situation where someone thought they knew you when they really didn’t? How did you deal with it? Did it bother you or did it just run right off your back?

Do you feel like you act the same and show the same side of yourself in every setting? Or are you more like me, showing certain sides of yourself only to certain people? Do you think that’s two-faced? Or do you think it’s smart?

I’m curious, how do others see me? How do others see you?

Evading Hypocrisy

In a last ditch effort to avoid hypocrisy after proclaiming (to my online class) that nutrition professionals should get familiar with current media and social-networking type sites, I have joined Twitter.

Yes. It’s ridiculous. I know.

Ultimately, it’s an ethical dilemma. Do I do as I say and get familiar with all the crazy technology and (ahem) time wasters of the present day? Or do I maintain my heretofore expressed disgust for said time-wasters?

While decrying the foolishness of this generation whiling away their lifetimes on the web, I find myself sucked deeper and deeper into its morass. I excuse the blog and website because 1) it allows me to develop my (marketable) skills as a web developer, 2) it allows me to hone my writing skills, and 3) it allows me to connect with (actual) people. I excuse Facebook because 1) it helps me keep track of people when they’re moving all around the globe and switching phones and addresses all the time, 2) it allows easy access to my fellow interns for class-related stuff, and 3) it helps me to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the “CLAN” (my extended family). I excuse my blog reading because 1) it helps me connect with people I actually know, 2) it informs and entertains me, and 3) at least I’m reading ;-). I excuse occasional forays to YouTube in the name of staying culturally literate. And now I’m calling Twitter professional development?

I mean, seriously.

Next thing you know, I’ll be excusing online gambling or

If you’re on Twitter too, add me to your (just a sec while I look up the lingo) follow me–my name(?) is “bekahcubed”. And don’t forget to leave me a comment with your name(?) so I can follow you.