I love links

I know what you’re thinking. “Of course you like links. What blogger doesn’t?”

But I’m not talking about links to my site (although I do like those too).

I’m talking about links to…
well, just about anything.

I love it when my dad e-mails me an article he read online that he thinks I might be interested in.

I love it when someone posts a blog or article on my Facebook page because it reminded them of me somehow (or they just want to share a favorite teacher who blogs with the other person they know who blogs–Thanks, Steve!).

I love perusing a few choice blogs that are primarily just an amalgam of links, such as the political Instapundit and Reformed bloggers Vitamin Z and Tim Challies.

I enjoy clicking the links that occasionally pop up in my TweetDeck as I’m going about my daily business (to be read at leisure sometime after I’m done with my “daily business”).

And I love sharing links with others.

That’s why I have my weekly recap posts–to share my links with others.

That’s why I often tweet links (indeed, it’s about the only thing I tweet.)

That’s why, if you’re a good friend, I might just drive you nuts by sending you links to articles, blogs, whatever as I stumble across them.

I’m not a part of one of those linkie social networks like Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, Digg, or Google Reader–because I’m not sure if I need another thing to take up more of my time. But I do occasionally wish that I could get more variety in my link reading–except that I want that variety to be, well, proven/pre-read by friends I trust won’t send me duds. So maybe a social network is the way to go…

So tell me, what do you think of links? Do you love them, like them, hate them? Are you completely ambivalent to them?

Do you like to send them but not receive them? Do you like to receive them but not send them? Do you belong to a linkie social network? Which one? Do you like it?

And whether you like sending links or not, if you find something that you think might interest me, PLEASE send me a link. I absolutely love them! (Send links via Facebook, Twitter @bekahcubed, or e-mail.

1 thought on “I love links”

  1. I really do love links too. I can honestly just sit at my computer online all day and learn random stuff from others. I only retain 5%, but that’s still something. For my blog reading needs I use Google Reader, but I’m not really sure what all I can do with it. I just use it to see when my subscribed blogs post something new which means I no longer need to search my favorites. I really do recommend it.


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