Thankful Thursday: Difficult People

I’m pretty sure that in every profession (except maybe being a hermit-and maybe not even then), there are difficult people to deal with. There are crabby coworkers, cussing customers, and cantankerous crowds. There are people who emote too much and people who emote too little. People on power trips and people who just NEVER speak up. Passive-aggressive people and just plain old passive or aggressive people. People that drive you nuts.

Sometimes it’s hard to be thankful for difficult people–until I remember that God is using them to work His image into me. To which I say, “Then bring ’em on!”

Thankful Thursday banner

This week, I’m thankful for…

…learning to keep my mouth shut

…learning to open my mouth

…learning to shut my ears to gossip

…learning to really listen to people

…learning to let things roll off my back

…learning to not back down when something important needs done

I haven’t learned it all yet.

I get worked up about unimportant things. I bottle up anger at people and never tell them. I act passive-aggressively. I ignore problems sometimes.

But I’m growing.

And I’m thankful for the opportunities to grow…
thanks to some difficult people
I know.

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Difficult People”

  1. This made me smile as these are areas we should all be working on! items 1,3,4,and 5 are some tough ones that I have been more aware of lately too! Thanks for bringing them back into focus!


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