A “Typical” Saturday

I was born (I think) with an inquiring mind and a desire to know practically everything.

I am, unfortunately, bound through most of the week to focus my mind on the most pertinent and practical pieces of information. Thus, I squelch the inquiring impulses and let a thousand questions remain unanswered as the week rolls along.

But, come Saturday, I now have time to explore the multitudes.

So I click the twitter link to Instapundit’s short post about looking Presidential in high school.

Which led me to the post he was linking to with pictures of current Republican presidential candidates in high school.

Which led me to ask who the 2012 Republican presidential candidates are.

Which led me to discuss with my sister how young Jeb Bush truly is–and how he has plenty of years in front of him to aspire to the presidency. We determined that the presidency is generally the peak of one’s political career, and need not be sought until one is about ready to retire from politics.

Which led me to wonder, which president was it who then became a Supreme Court Justice?

The moment I said Teddy Roosevelt, I knew it was wrong. The former leader of the “Rough Riders” would certainly not be a sit-behind-a-bench sort of guy.

The answer, of course, was perfectly apt.

William Howard Taft (“Tipping in at 400 lbs?” I wondered) was, of course, the man who went from sitting president to sitting Supreme Court Justice.

Which led me to question exactly how much William Howard Taft actually weighed.

Turns out, much less (65 lbs less) than I had guessed.

Then, I decided to write this all up for your entertainment.

Except that when I got to the Jeb Bush part, I wondered exactly how old Jeb Bush really is.

I also took a brief break in the writing of this post to use the restroom and to read a chapter from 1001 Gruesome Facts by Helen Otway, where I learned, among other things, that:

“Scot David Evans was sentenced to 6 months’ imprisonment for using a wet fish as an offensive weapon. He had slapped a passerby on the face with it.”

This is a pretty typical Saturday.

3 thoughts on “A “Typical” Saturday”

  1. Great post! Where else would I learn these things? I’m curious now, what year was the fish slapping? Did the book say?


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