Thankful Thursday: A Wonderful Week

Despite its not-so-great beginning (for any of you who did not have the remarkable privilege of seeing me on Sunday, I was a wee bit morose), I have been having a wonderful week.

Today I’m thankful…

…for Monday’s bike ride and the fellowship I enjoyed with Joanna (I recovered from my little bit of heatstroke by Tuesday–but not early enough to attend book club Monday night. It was the first book club meeting I’d missed, which is kinda sad–but I ended up going to bed at a half-way decent hour, which I haven’t done since book club began.)

…for Tuesday’s news that I have a job! as a TA this semester. (That was an absolute surprise after all the weird events of the summer.)

…for Wednesday’s chick flick and junk food enjoyed with my sister-in-law. (It’s been quite a while since we’ve taken time to be together just the two of us–generally there’s a whole gaggle about!)

Message in a Bottle and candy

…for the apron I was able to get started today. (Since I’ll be teaching a foods lab again, I’ll be wearing aprons quite a bit this semester–and my aprons start feeling old pretty quickly!)

Unfinished Apron

…for the trip to Nebraska City I’m taking tomorrow. (It’s been forever since I saw my friend Tiffany–and I don’t know that I’ve really ever met any of her three kids for any length of time. I’m looking forward to visiting tomorrow.)

Furthermore, I’m thankful…

…for the sweet pickles currently brining in my kitchen. (They’ve given me a blessed something to do with my time.)

Home canned sweet pickles

…for the $5 per bolt quilting cotton I found at Walmart this week. (To those who have heard me say I’m not buying any more fabric until I use up what I’ve got, I apologize for telling an untruth. Since what I’ve got is scrappy, I figured I’d need some fabric for quilt backing–so really, this is just a way to get rid of what I’ve already got, see?)

Bolts of fabric

…for the MP3 player that’s been entertaining/educating me while making an apron, preparing pickles, embroidering, and the like. (I’ve been listening to D.A. Carson’s audio seminar of “The God Who is There”. Follow the link to get all 14 sessions in MP3 format for FREE. This is a great seminar.)

MP3 Player

But wait, there’s still more. I’m thankful…

…that I seem to have recovered my muse (Have you noticed that I’m doing a bit more writing again?)

…that I might be regaining my appetite (It’s still been a bit spotty, but I think I’m seeing an upward trend.

…that whether the seesaw swings up or down, my Center holds. Christ Jesus is my life, my shelter in the storm, my song in the night. In the ups and the downs, whether I feel Him or not, He is there. And His hand is guiding every step along the way.
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Thankful Thursday: Untitled

I haven’t forgotten that today’s a Thursday, no matter how much I manage to make it appear so. I’ve been busy. “Busy with what?” you might ask. Good question. I’ve been busy with the same old, same old, I guess.

See-sawing. Trying to keep busy. Learning to trust. Learning to rest. Learning not to worry. Trying somehow to spend time with people. And remembering that I have much to be thankful for.

Today I’m thankful…

…for the opportunity to be a blessing.

Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to care for Abigail and Joseph this week. Thank You for the opportunity to lend my car to my brother and his wife for the day today. Thank You that Jamie would want me to be a role model for her daughter. Thank You that even in my weakness, You can still use me to bless others.

…for friendships far and near.

Thank You, Lord, for the friends I spent time with today–one in person and one via phone. Thank You for the precious friends from my past who I am blessed to re-establish relationships with. Thank You for the new friends I’ve made in book club, the friends who so encourage my heart, my mind, my soul. Thank You for my blogging friends, who comfort and encourage with kind words. Thank You for Joanna, for Anna, for Tiffany, for Ruth, for Annette, for Janet, for Sandra, for Kristi, for Chad, for the Jasons, for Brian and Emily… Thank You for the people You have brought into my life, by whom I am so blessed.

…for peace that goes beyond my circumstances.

O Lord, I recognize that worry and anxiety accomplish nothing–yet so often, I choose to worry rather than entrusting my life to You. Forgive me for my unbelief–my sin of not trusting in Your sovereignty, not believing in Your goodness. As I look back over my life thus far, there has never been a time that You have been unfaithful–yet I still so often question Your faithfulness for tomorrow. Forgive me, Lord, for not trusting, not believing, not surrendering my worries to You. I choose to surrender them today, this moment and every moment of my life if I have to. I want to know the sweetness of trusting in Jesus. I believe–help my unbelief.

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‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word
Just to rest upon His promise
Just to know ‘thus saith the Lord’

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
O for grace to trust Him more

Thankful Thursday: Blessings upon blessings

Sometimes I struggle to find something to be thankful for and find only one source of hope and joy amidst the trials of life. Sometimes I can only be thankful that God is unmovable, omniscient, omnipotent within what seems like darkness.

And then there are days like these when the clouds roll back, and while the storm isn’t over, I see the world about me illumined. On these days, I have much to be thankful for–all springing out of that same thing. My God is the giver of good gifts–even the trials are good. But some days I can see in addition to believing. Today is one of those days. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to see through the eyes of faith today.

Today I’m thankful…

…for a well-stocked fridge (and the beginnings of an appetite to eat it–I ate three whole meals plus a smoothie from McDonald’s yesterday, mostly without having to force myself.)

…for the brothers who mercilessly tease me–and who care about what’s going on in my life

…for an early night with no tossing and turning

…for an easy awakening after a restful night of sleep

…for pantyhose that didn’t run and a suit jacket that lay flat

…for a good interview with no questions that stumped me (except the one about how much teaching experience I’ve had at church–I don’t know, 10 years, maybe?)

…for a chance to see some of the gals from my internship (I briefly interned at the office I interviewed in–and one of the women on the search committee was a fellow intern and current Ph.D. student at the university.)

…for a delightful hour and a half of yard work with Erin. She always encourages me so much–and it felt great to get my body moving (even if the sun was a bit warm!)

…for the joy I see in my friend’s eye as she recounts knowing that God has her and her husband exactly where He wants them–even if that means they have no idea what the next step is

…for Jonah’s request for “Rebekah to come inside the house and play with us.” Even if I didn’t end up going inside to play with them, it’s nice to be loved by children.

…for extra quarters for my meter thanks to my father

…for another good meal and conversation on our weekly Daddy-Daughter date

…for the ambitious personality God has given me, though it occasionally leads to disappointments, it also allows me to accomplish much

…for air conditioning in my car

…for a soft chair at the library and the luxury of enjoying it

…for getting the wedding pictures I took all processed and up today (Check ’em out: Preparation and Dressing, Prewedding Photos, Ceremony, Receiving Line and Getaway, Reception, Dance. )

…for an unexpected phone call and two delightful kids to stay the day with me on Monday. (This might necessitate another visit to the library–and possibly to my folks’ house for some toys. Not that Abigail and Joseph aren’t capable of entertaining themselves–but I do want my home to be at least mostly in one piece once the day is out!)

For this and so much more, O Lord, I give you thanks!

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Thankful Thursday: Uncertainty

Here in this uncertain season, when I have little but thesis to keep me busy and no idea what lies beyond my master’s degree, I am thankful.

Today I’m thankful…

…for my big sister’s reminding me that when this is all over and my story has been told, I will look back and be able to say that not only was God’s plan for my life good–it was the best

…for my brother and sister-in-law for giving me a three step plan :-) for resolving the ambiguity of my future (Hah!)

…for my dad for affirming my type-A, want-to-plan-everything-in-advance nature, while at the same time reminding me to trust God and let Him work His plan in the little day-to-day details that currently have me going stir-crazy

…for a dear friend and sister who reminded me on Sunday that God holds my heart in His hands–and that He cares for my heart far more than I ever could

…for an assurance that amidst the storms and uncertainties of life, when I can’t see beyond the clouds and rain, my anchor holds.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

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Thankful Today

Because sometimes Thursday isn’t the only day I need to ward off covetousness.

I am twenty-five and not a homeowner as I wanted to be…
…but I am thankful that I can rent a home I like and share it with a friend.

I am twenty-five and unmarried, childless…
…but I am thankful for the many who lend me their children on Sunday mornings.

Child from nurseryChild from nursery

I am twenty-five and still a student, still in limbo, still waiting for real life to start…
…but I am thankful that my thesis seems to be coming together at last.

I am twenty-five and I still have not taken that bike ride that I have been talking about taking for years…
…but I am thankful for the small rides I get to enjoy with family and friends.

Tim and Kayla on bicyclesTim and John on bicyclesMom and Anna and Joanna on bicycles

My life has not turned out as I expected it to. I see my friends attaining to my dreams, and envy rises strong within my soul. Why do they get houses and husbands and children when I do not?

Because God, in His sovereign and good plan, has decreed that my life should look different than the course I plotted for it.

And I am thankful that He knows better than I how to arrange my life for my good and for His glory.

Thankful Thursday: A Sovereign God

Last night, I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest with my sister-in-law. It reminded me how thankful I am that my life’s course is not determined by the capriciousness of my heart’s desires (or of others’ heart’s desires), but by the sovereign design of a loving God.

Today I’m thankful…

…that unlike Jack Sparrow’s compass, my compass does not change directions according to my heart’s whim.

…that I can always find true north in the cross of Christ: the finished work of God on my behalf.

… that “a man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

…that God “know[s] the thoughts that [He] think[s] toward me…thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give [me] a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

…that “My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:26)

I am thankful that my story is not authorless, subject to the whims of fate.
I am thankful that my story is not authored by man, subject to his favor or displeasure.
I am thankful that my story is not authored by myself, subject to my heart’s wild gyrations.
I am thankful that my story is authored by God, subject to His eternal, unchangeable, holy, and good will.

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Thankful Thursday: Unexpected Blessings

Today I’m thankful…

…for an unexpectedly quick pool set up and the pleasure of spending some time with my sister yesterday.

Setting up the Pool

…for the unexpected productivity of today’s thesis work. I felt like I was just FLYING through the articles I was reading–quite different from the slogging I had been doing.

…for the unexpected opportunity to see some old co-workers at lunch today. I had nice little chats with Jeff and Janet and was able to say hello to quite a few more.

…for an unexpected Kudos from one of my dad’s coworkers on the successful wedding

…for an unexpected chance to spend time with a former friend I haven’t seen for a while. We roomed together during my senior year of high school, but she moved to KC for college–and I stayed in Lincoln. Now she and her husband and baby daughter are back in Omaha and I get to help them paint tomorrow! Yahoo!

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Thankful Thursday: A Week of Wedding Work

I’m thankful for having my one of my favorite roles in the wedding of some of my favorite people.

I’m my future-sister-in-law’s “personal attendant”–aka, last-minute-detail person. And I absolutely love it. My week has been filled with the detail stuff I adore (and it doesn’t hurt that I’m doing it for the girl I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside in the faith for the past eight or so years–and the brother I’ve liked for almost as long :-P)

Today I’m thankful for…

….Sunday’s terrific dance party arranged to help my brothers learn some dance skills before the big day

…that my brothers humored me with lots of mildly embarrassing photos of themselves with the bride-to-be–

Debbie being hugged by the John's

–the groom-to-be–

Steve hugging Daniel and Debbie

–and even with their father.

John kissing Dad

…for being able to visit with Joanna while I altered the flower girl’s dress and she sewed a label on the quilt we made together for the couple. (The photo shows the finished alteration–I removed a zipper and added the laced backing so the bodice would fit the flower girl who’d outgrown it.)

Laced backing on flower girl dress

…for another week of stimulating book discussion with the group I joined on a whim last week.

…for a collection of great photos and video to use in preparing a slide show to embarrass the happy couple at the rehearsal dinner. (Thanks to everyone who donated pictures either directly, or vicariously through Facebook–special thanks to MARY!)

…for an interlude from wedding work to attempt to finish Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?: Four Views (I ended up finishing only about two-thirds before my brain fried and I had to return it and get my shopping done–but the process was mentally stimulating.)

…for an early-morning Walmart run (2 am) and the fellow who let me go in front of him in line. (Must assemble that “every-eventuality” pre-wedding kit.)

…for an easy awakening at 7:30 despite the prior night’s late night of miracle-reading and Walmart-running

…for a clean house that I somehow managed to conjure despite the busyness of the week (Ah, I love how a clean house puts my mind at ease.)

…for a productive discussion in our ladies fellowship discussing Joshua Harris’s Dug Down Deep. (As a result, I think my mom has now joined my dad in thinking that I’ve turned Calvinist.)

…for an effective, if not quite efficient, church set up and decorating day.

Church set up

…for a lesson on how girls should hit guys…and how they should not. (This impromptu session was quite informative. Anyone who knows my brother Tim should ask for a run-down. The basic premise is that girls should be VERY cautious when hitting guys because guys can’t hit back. And they can’t exactly politely ask a girl to stop hitting them just because it, well, hurts. So hit rarely–and when you do, hit at the fleshy part of the shoulder where the risk of “hurt” is low.)

…for plans for more wedding mania in the next two days (Today: set up and decorate reception hall, attend rehearsal, attend rehearsal dinner, present couple with quilt, unveil embarrassing slide show, pool party at hotel. Tomorrow: purchase and arrange extra flowers, “cater” lunch to attendants and the like, dress Debbie, family and bridal party photos, hand off car decorating supplies, wedding, reception, clean up after reception. Saturday: clean up church.)

And in the end? I’ll be officially related to one of my favorite families in the world! I can’t say how much I have been blessed by friendship with the Brunks over the years–discipling Debbie and then Joanna through high school, praying on Sunday afternoons at their house, theological discussions with HJ and Kris over dinner, discussing A Tale of Two Cities with John, quilting and reading with Joanna, ribbing Debbie endlessly about my brother. God has been good to us in bringing the Brunks into our family.

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Thankful Thursday: Family

Today I’m thankful…

…for the sister-in-law my brother will bring into the family in just over a week (I enjoyed going out with her to the reception place last night to figure out our decorating plan!)

…for the outlaws the self-same event will bring into the family (It’s been fun making candles with John and Joanna…and Kayla and Nellie and Tim)

…for the sisters who are currently enjoying themselves together far away from me :-( (In truth, I’m glad Anna and Grace are having a chance to hang out together for this week or so between school getting out and the wedding.)

…for the brothers who let me set the pace on my bicycle, who offer me a “complimentary” water cup at McDonalds, who tell me their ridiculously misogynist stories about falling in Love, and who give me rides in their cars.

…for the Mama who lets me quote my memory verses to her as she irons the hem on a dress, who hears my blather and prays for me.

…for the Papa who puts up with my incessant linking and comments back on this issue or the other.

…for the God who has adopted me into His family, making me a child of God and joint heir with Christ (Rom 8:14-17)… and who has given me this family, bonded by blood and faith.

I am blessed beyond measure.

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Thankful Thursday: Last Night

Today I’m thankful…

…for a lovely bike ride, just me a God. We chatted, I surrendered, He granted peace.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
~Philippians 4:6-7

…for a nice break at a playground from my childhood. I fondly remember swinging on the swings, walking along the railroad-tie retaining wall, and hopping on my bike for the return trip across the railroad tracks.

…for an “accidental” run in with friends. I dropped by my folks house on my way home from my ride to say “Hi” to my little sister. She had Kayla and Joanna over and invited me to watch a movie with them.

…for a sweet chick flick. Thanks to the long conversation with God on my bike ride, I was able to make it through a chick flick, not once but twice. I haven’t been able to do that (that is, watch a chick flick all the way through) for months.

…for my brother cooking for us. I’d already eaten dinner, but when Timothy offered to prepare Mac’n’Cheese for the girls, I wouldn’t refuse. He served us lemon and strawberry sherbet (bought with his own money) to go along with it.

…for a friend who listens. I’ve been so blessed to have Joanna as a friend. Last night, she listened (yet again) as I shared my laden heart.

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