Thankful Thursday: People

Advent is a time of year when many people’s minds turn towards STUFF. What am I getting? What am I giving? What do I want? How will I decorate? What do I need? Buy more stuff. Stuff to eat. Stuff to wear. Stuff to decorate with. Stuff to give. Stuff to keep for ourselves.

This Christmas season, I’ve been blessed with plenty of STUFF–but I’ve been mostly blessed by the PEOPLE in my life.

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Today I’m thankful…

…that my little sister could come up to Columbus for the day and spend a bit of time with me and Anna

…that I was able to get a hold of my friend from church today–even though I didn’t know her phone number or address, or even the NAME of her business

…that my sister knew the name of Maria’s business so I could drop off my gifts for her

…that all of the kids happened to be there when I dropped by–and that we had some wonderful conversation while I was there

…that I have wonderful coworkers who I truly enjoy working with

…that I was able to catch up with an old classmate-turned-coworker today when she visited our facility

To the God who revealed Himself as a man, incarnate–
For the people He has granted me the privilege of knowing and loving–
I give thanks.

Thankful Thursday: The End(s)d

There are things we don’t like to see end–and things we can’t wait to see end. Ends can be happy–or they can be melancholy. This week, I’ve had some ends I’ve been expectantly anticipating–ends that have come at last.

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Today I’m thankful…

…for the END of commuting between Lincoln and Columbus

…for the END of the semester teaching at the University

…for the END of catching up from last month’s conference in Boston

…for the END of last night’s treacherous drive

When there’s so much going on in my life and so much tossing me in every direction, I’m thankful to have some of it come to an end.

And I’m thankful for the new beginnings every ending heralds.

Thankful Thursday: Easy Days

It’s not too often that I have an easy day–a day where it feels like things are running smoothly and I’m getting things accomplished and I’m not too rushed.

Which means that when those days do come, I need to stand back and savor them and not forget to send my Thank You‘s heavenward.

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Today I’m thankful…

…for temperatures above freezing and a jaunty walk to and from my car

…for a new computer at work–that means I don’t have to wrestle for someone else’s (I’m sure Heather is just as thankful–or more–for that one!)

…for 90 days at my “new” job–and that they still want to keep me after this first quarter

…for smooth assessments. I notice and complain when admission heights and weights aren’t taken, when I have to go digging for orders or information. But some days, the nursing staff is all at the top of their game–and I need to remember to say “Thank you” that they’ve recorded all the information I need.

…for prompt faxes from MDs. Sometimes it takes forever to hear back from an MD–or the MD just seems to ignore my faxes. Today, my faxes have been returned promptly. Thank you, docs of Columbus!

…for leaving work early (just a bit, and feeling unrushed–that NEVER happens)

…for a delightful seven note sixth grade band concert. I know I’m gonna love Columbus. These kids, this life, is fantastic.

This has been an easy day–and I am most thankful for it.

Thank You, Lord, that You know when I need a little rest–and that You provide it, even amidst an eleven-hour workday.

Thankful Thursday: By the skin of my teeth

Well, I’m just barely making it in under the midnight deadline–pretty much by the skin of my teeth.

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I’m thankful for all the things that I’ve been able to get done–or that have gotten done for me–JUST in time (not a moment too soon–but not too late either).

Today I’m thankful for…

…grading finished (with just enough time for the students to have a weekend to study before their lab practical)

…interviews with hard to track down resident completed (with just enough time to complete their assessments and move on to the next thing)

…a house cleaned and gotten out of (thanks to Mom’s help with cleaning–she contributed 6 of the 17 woman-hours that went into cleaning my Lincoln house–and we got done just a bit after midnight our selected day of vacat-ion)

…the amazing forbearance of God, who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth

Thankful Thursday: Change

I have had a year that has seen many changes.

This year saw the early hopeful buds of spring, the late frost that killed said buds. This year saw pruning, a cutting back of unfruitful boughs. This year has seen a drought which forced a new growth of roots. This year has been a year of transplantation and learning to grow in a new environment.

This year has not been easy–it could have easily broken and destroyed a much stronger woman than I. But God, in His infinite grace, has caused this weak woman to withstand such a storm so that He might be revealed strong amidst my weakness.

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Today I’m thankful…

…for dreams rising and being dashed–and for a hope secure beyond my dreams

…for doctrines and worldviews challenged, some confirmed–and for an anchor that holds amidst it all

…for relationships broken and formed–and for the friend who never leaves me nor forsakes me

I am thankful for the material and ethereal changes this year has wrought…

…the transition from student to professional

…the move from Lincoln to Columbus

…the transfer from one church (in Lincoln) to another (in Columbus)

…the awakening of my mind to the things of God

I am thankful for the many new things this year…

…for new blogging friends

…for a new home

…for a new church

…for a new Bible study

…for a new job

…for a new book club

Many things have changed this year, but one thing remains the same: The God who began this good work in me is faithful to complete it. And today, I am thankful most of all for the faithfulness of God so clearly seen throughout my many life changes.

Thankful Thursday: No theme, just Thankful

I don’t have a theme for today’s thankfulness. I don’t have energy to come up with a theme. But I’m thankful nonetheless.

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Today I’m thankful…

…for the package that arrived at the House of Dreams today

…for the internet that got hooked up in the House of Dream yesterday

…for dinner and a movie with my roommate

…for new renters for the townhouse that mean Casandra and I can save ourselves a month of rent by moving out early

…for bright pink shoes and the joy they bring to my residents

…for compliments from coworkers (I am way too blessed!)

…for very helpful Menards salespeople (I’m sorry that the rest of you don’t experience the same service I do–have you tried shopping for hardware wearing a skirt and heels?)

…for my sister and I both being home at last

…for the nap I took in the car yesterday BEFORE I fell asleep at the wheel (as opposed to the one I took a week ago AFTER falling asleep at the wheel–talk about scary)

…for the grace of God that has brought me safe thus far–and the grace that will lead me safely through these last few weeks of craziness too.

Thankful Thursday: Stuff of the Free and Reduced Price Variety

It may well be that I’m too in love with stuff. It may well be that I’ve bought into the materialistic American dream (I finished David Platt’s Radical this morning and have a bit of thinking to do on the thesis of said book.)

But the truth is, I’m very thankful for the stuff I’ve got–and especially for the stuff I’ve recently been given or have acquired at a reduced price.

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Today I’m thankful…

…for a lovely time in Boston with Aunt Joanne and Uncle Paul and for the stuff they blessed me with–

two quilt tops pieced by my great-great-aunts, now being sent into my keeping (Anna and Grace and I will have to get them all quilted–and then haggle

–a camera with a working viewfinder, which Joanne gave me, completely unexpectedly

–a folding umbrella which Joanne and Paul forced on me on my way out the door–which served me well in that last day of Boston rain

…for the multitudes of FNCE paraphernalia, particularly–

–the canvas bag with a relatively innocuous California Raisins logo

–the water bottle from the honey board

–the vegetable seeds from Monsanto

–the lunch bag from the American Heart Association

–the LTC pocket reference that I bought at reduced price

…for the household stuff and clothing I got at Goodwill this past evening–

seven shirts ranging from long sleeve sweaters to ultra-wicking athletic shirts

–a boyfriend cardigan in comfy gray knit

–another smart jacket for those business-y days

–a pair of ultra “sexy” jeans (just ask my Grace-bug, they’ve got her stamp of approval)

–two pairs of comfy lounging pants

–a long red nightgown

–a red fabric belt to go with my cute yellow shirtdress (and, as Gracie says, with…well, a lot of things in my closet)

–a dust ruffle for my bed

–four awesome towels to be made into bath mats for my bathroom (which is going to look amazing when it’s done)

–two flat sheets, also to be used in making bath mats

–a valance for my bathroom

–a new piece of blueware to add to my collection

–a nice big wooden shelf–that’s going to hold my blueware in my bathroom (once I’ve painted the shelf navy blue, that is)

three picture frames (that only need minor modifications before they can be used in my new bedroom)

And best of all, I love that I was able to purchase all of this for under $60!

Of course, I’d be remiss in telling of all the free and reduced-price items I’ve received if I didn’t express my thankfulness for the ultimate in free gifts:

…the gift of right standing with God, purchased by the blood of Christ.

…the gift of heavenly citizenship, won by blood not my own

…the gift of adoption, sealed by the Holy Spirit through no act of my own

I’m thankful to God for the things He has graciously granted me–but even if all these things had never been given, or if they should all in an instant be taken away, I should still have more than enough. For God, in His grace, has chosen to give me the gift of all gifts, Himself.

**In the interest of disclosure, all the free stuff obtained at FNCE was obtained from companies/organizations who had an ulterior motive in offering me free stuff–namely, getting my stamp of approval on their items/products. While I am grateful for the free items given me, I do not necessarily agree with the positions of all of said companies and organizations. As always, views expressed on bekahcubed are my own.**

Thankful Thursday: Advance Planning

As I embark upon a very busy couple of weeks, I’m thankful for the advance planning (even if it was all done Tuesday night!) that will enable me to make it through the week.

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Today I’m thankful…

…that my aunt recommended a couple of great places to stay in Boston–and that I booked a room at a hostel in advance (at a MUCH lower cost than a hotel)

…that the other TA graciously agreed to teach my labs and let me teach hers next week

…that presentation outlines are available online so I can print them off before I go

…that I have a versatile wardrobe that makes packing a cinch

…for the warning my aunt gave me (before I left town to work) that it’s “wicked cold” in Boston

…that this week’s grading is pretty simple–and should allow me to get it done on the plane

And most of all, I’m thankful that God forsees what I cannot and that His will will be done through this next busy week.

Thankful Thursday: Our House

I had a ridiculously long day at work today–and probably won’t be able to finish everything tomorrow. But that’s okay, ’cause I’m gonna be back in Columbus again tomorrow evening.

Why am I traveling to Lincoln and then back to Columbus again, you may ask?

Because Anna and I got a HOUSE!

And not only did we get a house, we got THE house–the stupendous, amazing, perfect-for-entertaining house.

The House of Dreams

Today I’m thankful…

…for the big kitchen with lots of counter and cupboard space

…for the living room with a fireplace

…for the ginormous deck overlooking big backyard and the lake

…for the spare bedroom that means we can have people spend the night–in their own room

…for the bedrooms that face east, allowing us to enjoy the early morning sun (if we don’t have to be out of the house before the sun rises.

…for the two bathrooms which mean I won’t inconvenience Anna when I get up in a way-too-engrossing book in the tub

…for the family room that’ll let us chillax and do computer-y stuff together (rather than being holed up in our respective rooms

…for the lack of shared walls which mean that for the first time since we moved out of our parents’ house we can play the piano at all hours of the day and night

…for the craft room with its shelving that I’m itching to display my fabric on

…for the wood paneled garage that I’m probably WAY too excited about.

…for the house’s fantastic name (which I’m sorry I won’t be sharing online–instead, I’ll be calling it the House of Dreams)

Can you tell that I’m a little excited about our house?

But wanna know what excites me most? What excites me most is that I know this home will be an ideal means through which I can develop and grow relationships in this new town. I know it will be an opportunity to relaunch the ministry of home that I’ve let go dormant amidst the up-in-the-air-ness of the past year or so. I can’t wait to establish friendships, to find mothers who need their children babysat, to find girls who need an older woman to take them under her wing, to find people who need a place to hang out, to invite older and wiser brothers and sisters to join us for a meal. I can’t wait to host Bible study or have a book club or invite girls over to learn how to sew.

I’m thankful that God has given me a new start in a new town–with a new house that can serve as a launching pad for serving this new community.

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Thankful Thursday: Fall Break

Today I’m thankful…

…for the fall break that meant I didn’t have lectures to prepare on Sunday–which meant I could enjoy a fantastic BET party instead

…for the fall break that meant I didn’t have a lab to teach on Monday–which meant I could fly up to Columbus to get some work done and attend a Continuing Education opportunity

…for the fall break that meant I didn’t have a lab to teach on Tuesday–which meant I could spend the day doing a luxurious nothing (that is, laundry and sewing and blogging and reading and watching a movie with my little sister!)

…for the work I got done at work during fall break which meant I could leave work a little early on Wednesday–which meant I could actually sit down and enjoy a meal with my sister before Bible study

…for the work I got done at work during fall break which meant I didn’t have to feel rushed to get everything done today

And then there’s the non-Fall break related stuff.

I’m thankful for…

…the house Anna and I got to look at this morning–and that we at least have an opportunity to be in the running for it (Please let it be, Lord–This house is practically PERFECT.)

…the health that I’ve been blessed with when so many are getting sick these days (knock on wood!)

…the air mattress I sleep on in Columbus–and the hope that I’ll soon be sleeping on my own bed up here (in my own home, as well)

…the coworker who took a considerable amount of time hunting down a weight for me today

…the realization that God is in control (even when I’m steaming at how ObamaCare is affecting our industry. It’s a tough time to be in healthcare, especially in long-term care.)

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And I’m just thankful that, well, that God is and that He made me and that He places me where He wills and that His plans are always good–beyond my wildest dreams, even when they’re considerably “less” than my wildest dreams.