Thankful Thursday: Truth

Thankful that amidst the whirl of feelings and thoughts and hormones (yes, big girls have those too!), Truth is steadfast.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6)–and “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8).

He is Truth, and He is unchanging. Steadfast, immovable, a rock on which to build my life.

Many a time in the past several weeks, I’ve been reminded of Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” I so long to be a wise woman, one who builds my house–but I am reminded even today of how that house is to be built.

In Matthew 7:24, Jesus said “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” It is only if my house is founded on the rock, the foundation of obedience to Christ, that I can build a house that will stand.

So, Lord, give me grace to fix my eyes on You beyond the many things I would be tempted to focus my gaze upon. Give me grace to hear Your word above the word of my own mind or my own heart. Give me grace to be obedient to Your direction, whether my heart and will agree or not.

I recognize that unless You build my house, all my housebuilding labor is in vain (Ps 127:1). So, Lord, I ask that you would work in me to will and to do Your good pleasure, building my home on the truth of who You are and what You have spoken.

Thank You for the wise friends and counselors who continue to remind me to turn my eyes towards You, You who are Truth.

The Christmas Haul

Allow me to be the first to affirm that Christmas is NOT all about presents. But I have found myself amazed in recent years by the gifts I’ve received. Not because the gifts were absolutely spectacular in their own right, or because I’m all about getting new things–but because of the way the gifts I’ve received reflect the love and care of my family.

This year, I got…

  • A funnel, a filter wrench, and a oil pan from John
    The oil pan is probably the coolest thing ever. It’s ginormous, but it collects all the oil INSIDE of it, and can be sealed so it won’t spill while waiting to be disposed of. Then, when it’s time to dispose of the oil? The pan has a convenient spout for disposal. Say goodbye to messy oil changes–I’ve got all the tools to make it easy as pie!
  • Camelpack
    Time to start training for that big bike ride across Nebraska! And for me, hydration is key. Now I can do it in style.
  • Two puzzles
    Payback, I’m sure, for the many years I’ve bought “the fam” puzzles for Christmas. Now it’s time to get some of my own done!
  • A trash can for my recycling
    I’ve had a bucket in my kitchen for collecting recyclables. Now I can upgrade to a trash can thanks to John–who generally ridicules recycling but cares about me enough to get me what I care about.
  • Double 15 dominoes
    Every household should have a set, and since Anna moved out, my household’s been without. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
  • A utensil tray
    I’ve been keeping my silverware in a little cardboard box since Anna moved out. Now I have a proper utensil tray so I can keep everything divided. What’s more, my mom found it at the used store! (I appreciate my mom’s thriftiness and care. While all of us received new gifts from Mom and Dad, we also received gifts Mom found at used stores. The used gifts were far from second-rate. They were exactly what we needed/wanted–and were obtained in a way that doesn’t break my parent’s bank. My dad’s compliment is true: My mother is like a merchant ship, bringing her gifts from afar.)
  • Shampoo and barrettes
    Funny gift, you might think. But for me, not at all. I ask for “practical gifts” every year, and am supremely thankful when somebody takes up the call and gets them. You see, I HATE buying shampoo, deodorant, and the like. They’re necessary, so you don’t want to run out. Yet they’re expensive at the grocery store, so buying them generally means a trip to a different store–a WHOLE separate trip, since I rarely buy anything except food. So shampoo is the PERFECT gift.
  • A kitchen decorating ideas book
    For me books + home = love. Grace knew this and planned ahead to get me a book from the library book sale.
  • A picture for my walls
    Mom found it at a used store. It has a Bible verse on it. My living area walls suffered most when Anna left. She had so many wonderful wall decorations. Now I’m building up my own collection.
  • A bookshelf
    My current two (and a half) are stuffed full, and bowing because of the weight of my books. My “little” box of books that don’t fit in the shelves is currently overflowing. But not for much longer. Soon I shall have a bookshelf in my room. I’m excited to move all my Bible study tools up to my room, where I generally do my Bible study. It’ll be much nicer to have easy access instead of having to run downstairs.
  • The promise of another bookshelf
    Joshua has promised to make me another bookshelf (and was a bit disappointed when I received one under the tree.) But I have PLENTY of use for new bookshelves, and I’m excited to see what Josh comes up with. He’s quite a handy guy, if I do say so myself.

Beyond the physical gifts under the tree, I received a few more intangible gifts.

  • A delightful family candle-light service when our church one got canceled
    We packed into the “conservatory” while Anna played William and led us in Christmas carols. Dad and John and I had a bit of an out-loud each other contest during one, probably bringing the others’ eardrums almost to a breaking point (in my favor, my part in the “contest” was unintentional–I just don’t have the greatest concept of my volume while singing.) We lit our candles for Silent Night and sung sweetly in the almost dark.
  • The addition of a fourth girl to the family festivities
    Debbie evens us out at four girls and four boys (for the time being). She joined us for our celebration this year, and blushed massively at some of the gifts she received from my brothers. Their goal in their gifts to her this year was “cherry cheeks”–and they succeeded pretty well. Welcome to the family, Debbie–I can’t wait to have you for a sister-in-law.
  • The boys let me take their pictures
    As the family historian, keeper of the family photos, and (more) regular photo snapper, I am somewhat of an annoyance to my family. I insist on chronicling the exciting and the mundane, pulling out my camera at what they consider to be inopportune times (read, anytime). But last night, they (mostly) let me take photos in peace. John even POSED for a few photos. It’s pretty much a miracle.
  • The girls had patience with my distraction during a game of Mexican train
    Timothy announced that I’d missed a text message just as we were about to start our game of Mexican train. I broke my personal rules and texted back during our first few rounds of the game. I enjoyed the text exchange–and I appreciated my family’s tolerance for my somewhat unusual behavior of late ;-).

And the greatest Christmas “haul”?

Yesterday I read these words–an unusual Christmas passage, but an amazing one nonetheless:

“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“ O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”

The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(I Corinthians 15:53-57)

At Christmas, we celebrate Christ the immortal, who put on our mortality. Christ the incorruptible who put on our corruption. Christ, who is life, who submitted Himself to death. And why? He did so in order that we who are corrupt could put on incorruption. He did so in order that we who are mortal could put on immortality. He did so in order that we who are creatures of sin and death could obtain victory over the same THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Now thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

**Okay, so I was planning to upload those Christmas pictures, but my computer’s acting funny about recognizing my camera today. It goes on funks every so often, so I’m not too worried. More later–for now I’m gonna go back over to the folks and (find my Bible and) spend some time with the family.**

Thankful Thursday: Numbers

Today I’m thankful for:

  • One pieced quilt top (Yeah, I’ll still have to get it quilted if I’m going to give it to them tomorrow. Break out the machine!)
  • Two turned-in papers (Why did I save them until today? Good question.)
  • Three on three basketball last night (Can you believe it? I barely can!)
  • Four requirements from God (Deuteronomy 10:12–“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to FEAR the Lord your God, to WALK in all His ways…to SERVE the Lord your God…and to KEEP the commandment of the Lord.”)
  • Five books to return to the library. (Not that many, but I’m getting there on a couple more.)
  • Six days off before Christmas (okay, that’s kinda cheating!)
  • Seven fantastic siblings (even if sometimes they annoy me.)
  • An eight o’clock phone call. (Will that mean an earlier night or a longer conversation, I wonder?)
  • Nine A.M. with Joanna (Going to get that quilting done!)

And above all that, I’m thankful that the Lord our God is One. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thankful Thursday: Bits and Pieces

Today I’m thankful…

  • For ends and beginnings
    • Finishing my last grading for the semester
    • Packing up the lab in preparation for next semester with Joyce
    • Getting close to done with my last couple of classes (some papers written–still some more to go)
    • Almost done with a couple of good books (due back tomorrow so I’d better be almost done
    • About to embark on an adventure that scares me and excites me at the same time
  • For friends and Menter’s (pun intended)
    • A heart to heart with my mom while baking Christmas cookies yesterday
    • Lunch with Grace (grilled cheese and tomato soup) and help with packing this afternoon
    • Dinner with Rodney and Malinda and then quilting with Malinda this evening
  • For unexpected blessings
    • Being able to get out of my on-street parking after packing this afternoon
    • Having a bright sun-shiny day despite the cold
    • Getting all the lab reports graded today
    • Having Malinda call and invite me to dinner and quilting
  • For the limitless love of Christ
    • He knows me better than I know myself
    • He cares for me better than I could ever care for myself
    • He guides me into things better than I could ever dream of myself

Thank You, Lord, for Your unending love. Thank You for Your mercies that are new each morning. Thank You that You are entirely trustworthy. I give You my life–I am Yours.

Thankful Thursday: Cold Day Comforts

Today I’m thankful…

  • for an electric blanket that keeps me warm on Winter’s cold nights
  • for a new pair of fuzzy yoga pants for bedtime wear
  • for leg warmers to slip under my boots (why do shoemaker’s think that just because you’ve got big feet you’ll have huge calves? Oh well, I guess it’s to my advantage that I can fit my leg warmers on UNDER my boots rather than having to go over)
  • for a mug of hot chocolate in my hands
  • for a homemade Christmas station on Pandora radio to get me into the Christmas mood
  • for a schedule today that only requires one outing (to the library–got a coupla dozen books to return)
  • for hot leftover soup
  • that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning

Praise the LORD from the earth,
You great sea creatures and all the depths;
Fire and hail, snow and clouds;
Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;
Mountains and all hills;
Fruitful trees and all cedars;
Beasts and all cattle;
Creeping things and flying fowl;
Kings of the earth and all peoples;
Princes and all judges of the earth;
Both young men and maidens;
Old men and children.
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
For His name alone is exalted;
His glory is above the earth and heaven.

Psalm 148:7-13 (NKJV)

Thankfullest Thursday: Family

Today I’m thankful for the amazing family God has blessed me with–and the fantastic day I was able to spend with them.

I’m thankful for…

  • A table full of all my favorite foods
  • A dinner-table discussion of the laws of thermodynamics (okay, so we’re all nerds)
  • Fun songs on the improvised radio on the way to clean the church
  • A quick church cleaning expedition-in which we got all the vacuuming done in record time, to the sounds of rock on the overhead, John singing “Figaro”, and Dad singing “Scrub another toilet, scrub a toilet next to you…”
  • A relaxing afternoon reading and watching my brothers “Dance Praise”–da da da, da da-da-da DAH.
  • A lesson in internet stalking from my father, the master–although I’m a halfway decent pupil :-)
  • More good food with my aunt and uncle and their crew
  • A great discussion on the proper place for prophesy, the Biblical definition of prophesy, the state of education in the state of California, fraud in major ministries, the Bible answer man, and the politics of global warming.
  • A new name for the Daniel-Debbie phenomenon (still upset that he hasn’t given her a ring yet). We’re calling them “Danby” (a la Support Your Local Sheriff) instead of the earlier “Debuel”.
  • A satisfactory conclusion to the question “How are we getting to Aunt Martha’s tomorrow?”
  • A family debate over the name for Mom’s new car. Wanna weigh in? Top contenders are the “Maroon Prune” or the “Burgundy Bomb”. Let me know what you think.

For this and so much more, O Lord, I give Thee thanks.

Thankful Thursdays: Small Advances

Today I’m thankful for the small advances, the little things that indicate I’m closer to finished than I was a week ago.

  • My bathroom is clean, truly clean, for the first time in months. I cleaned the mirrors! And the floor! And got out the big guns for the bathtub and toilet. It feels nice, really nice.
    clean bathroom
  • My room is tidy, or at least almost tidy. That is, the only stacks are books–no papers, laundry, reusable shopping bags, trash, or stuff that belongs elsewhere.
    Clean Bedroom
  • The dishes are done–for now. I’ve been Susie Homemaker lately–but I do the dishes just as I’m dirtying more. This time, my counter-top is clear. Well, clear until I have dinner tonight (turkey-corn chowder, yum!)
    Clean Counter-top
  • My quilt is almost half done. I enjoyed several hours of good quilting time this morning–and made considerable progress.
    Quilt Progress
  • I’ve had a call back on my job application. Unfortunately, she called while I was driving at the very end of the workday. So, I didn’t end up talking to the HR person–but she wants me to call her back tomorrow. That certainly sounds promising.
  • I’ve got some leads for my continued genealogy search. Since I started doing family history, I’ve had a big blank spot for my Grandma Menter’s family. I knew that her maiden name was Williams and that her mother’s name was Clara. Not exactly the most promising information. But Dad dug out some boxes for me to look through on Sunday–and I found out that Clara’s maiden name was Washburn and that she had a brother named Frank and a sister named Minnie. I also learned that my great-grandfather (Clara’s husband) was named Albert H and had a brother named Walter. Definitely the best leads I’ve had in genealogy for a while.

And I’m thankful that God is always at work around me, developing my character to match the assignment He has for me: that I might be perfect, lacking nothing, and that I might have hope.

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:2-5)

“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5)

Simple Sunday: Got my camera back!

Simple Sunday icon

~Thankful that my camera is back–and with it, all of my photos from the ladies retreat a couple of week’s ago. (I lost the camera on the way back. It was missing for over a week–which is a long time for ME to be without a camera.)

The ladies assemble before an “official” picture:

Ladies Assembling before an official picture

The girls at my table for dinner do fast faces (except for Joanna, who hadn’t yet learned the “fast face” concept.)

Fast Faces

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Thankful Thursday: Many Blessings

Today I’m thankful…

…for the sunshine that warmed the world and awoke my soul.
For some reason, Nebraska got a nice Indian summer today at the beginning of November. I’m not complaining!

…for the Hillsong United CD in my car.
I enjoyed worshiping on my way to class and back.

…for the calm of the library and the work I was able to complete there.
Last year, it seemed the library was always crazy loud with middle school students “hanging out” after school. Today, the library was quiet and I was able to get 20 papers graded.

…for Swedish meatballs with my folks.
When Mom and Dad invited me over for Swedish meatballs and pumpkin pie, I couldn’t refuse–even if I already had a stew in the crockpot. So I had a nice meal with them and I’ve got tomorrow’s lunch in the fridge!

…for God’s grace in the midst of my winter.
I have been overwhelmed by how well God has enabled me to cope during this past week. I’ve been able to push past the exhaustion that dogs my every step and really get some stuff accomplished. Who knows, maybe I’ll have to cancel that appointment with the NP next week for new depression meds! (I won’t be making any promises yet, though.)

What are you thankful for?