World Without My Glasses

I don’t really need my glasses around the house. Not when I’m at the computer or reading or puttering. I only need them for my distance vision. So I didn’t have them on when I left for class at 4. By the time I realized I had forgotten them, it was too late to turn back. Welcome to a whole new world.

It was odd, asking a question of a blob on a television screen. It’s always odd doing the teleconferencing thing–but not being able to see makes it even more unusual. Navigating rush hour traffic on two of North Lincoln’s busiest streets was also interesting. I could feel the tiny muscles in my eyes straining to focus.

The library was an adventure. I couldn’t scan the stacks like I usually do–or my head would start spinning with blurry blocks of text. Instead, I had to kneel so that my head was level with whatever shelf I was looking at–so that my eyes could focus on the spines of the books directly in front of me.

I dropped by my parent’s house to ask my brother John about his day at the College of Business Administration’s “Big Red Welcome.” I asked him, teasing, if they had convinced him to join the Business College. He replied, quite seriously, that he thinks they have. I’m excited for him–I think he’ll do great in business. He’s smart, he’s a people person, he’s a go-getter. It’s just that he’s really growing up. Tomorrow he’ll vote in his first ever election–helping to make a decision that’ll shape the destiny of our nation.

I sat down for some pumpkin pie (made by my brother Daniel and his girlfriend Debbie) and my sister Grace began a lament about her civics class. The teacher has switched her teaching style and Grace prefers the old one–in fact, she’s pretty much sure that the old way is the only way she (Grace) can learn. I listened and thought, “External locus of control.” Then I thought, “You’re a nerd.” Then I realized that Gracie is growing up. She’s in high school now–the place where grades start counting. She’s learning our governmental system. She’s learning how to learn on her own (somewhat unwillingly, but oh well.)

The phone rang and we ignored it. The phone wasn’t in its holster anyway. But Joshua bounded up the stairs with the phone to announce a call for Timothy. It was the army recruiter. Tim jumped up and paced towards the school room (soon the piano room)–and then changed his mind and went the opposite direction, into his bedroom. He’s pretty serious about this thing. He’s researched his options. He’s looked into schools. He’s gone over costs and benefits. He’s considered the risks of war. He’s looked into genetic engineering in the military. He’s on the cusp of making his decision. If he decides to join the Army Reserves, he’ll be heading to boot camp next summer.

It seems like just yesterday, they were this:
Tim and Grace as children
and now–he’s talking of joining the military.

I take off my glasses for just a day and the world swirls by, leaving me with a foreign landscape. What happened to yesterday? Where’d it go?

I don’t know–and I can’t waste time trying to figure it out–I’d only end up losing today.

Halloween Reflections

We never dressed up for Halloween when we were kids. Mom and Dad never made a big deal about our not “celebrating” Halloween. We just didn’t. Instead, we sat in the living room with a big vat of candy and tracts and vied to answer the door when the doorbell rang. One piece of candy for the trick-or-treaters, one piece of candy for us. I never felt deprived.

Fast forward to the last couple of years, when I’ve discovered how much I enjoy putting on new identities. It started for a youth group “Sponsor Seek”, in which sponsor’s disguised themselves and attempted to evade the youth while walking around a shopping mall. I painted my face a chalky white, wore my friend’s best approximation of dreds, and stepped heavy in big pants and a jersey. Then came work spirit days, where I dressed as a nerd, a superhero, a football player (a wifebeater and sweatpants positioned strategically below my buttocks, revealing my red athletic shorts beneath.)

So when a costume contest was announced for Halloween–I dressed up.

Rebekah dressed as an old woman

I won first place (Thank you very much!), probably due to a last minute thought to bring along some photos I had lying around.

After making the long trek indoors–around the building and through all sorts of doors to get to the elevator–I asked Fatima and Marilyn if they might have seen my grandson (producing a picture of my brother Daniel). It took them a few seconds to realize that it was me–then they just laughed and laughed–while I continued with my story of trying to surprise my grandson, who was a student here.

The story was so successful, I couldn’t help but continue it. I stayed in character all day, discussing my pillies and my grandson. “This is the University of Nebraska-Lincoln? My grandson’s a student there.”

The older ladies in the kitchen–the morning cooks–enjoyed the costume most. Carolyn proclaimed me her grandmother and was quite anxious about me. “Are you sure you don’t need to have a seat, Grandma?”

Anyway, that was my Halloween costume.

Check out more, mostly children’s, costumes at Becky’s Costume Parade.

Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful…

For my bosses being sick
I was feeling much better by the time work rolled around yesterday (Thanks for caring). The office was empty when I arrived at 3–and a quick look around failed to reveal the assistant managers. So I grabbed my normal Wednesday papers to copy and ran downstairs to make the copies–only to find that the door was locked. I ran back upstairs to ask Janet what was going on–and she informed me that both assistant managers and the secretary were at home sick, “so if you don’t mind, you can manage tonight.”

If I don’t mind? You better bet I don’t mind. I love managing. I would do it every time I worked if I could.

It’s just too bad that their pain is my gain.

That the “Best By” Date on the milk doesn’t mean it’s bad
I bought a gallon of milk a week ago, when we a little less than a half gallon left. Unfortunately, the “Best By” date was yesterday and we didn’t go through it anywhere near as fast as we had been–Casandra had a cold so she wasn’t drinking much milk and I hadn’t made yogurt recently.

But thankfully, the milk was still good. Maybe not for drinking–but I still enjoyed in my oatmeal this morning, and as oyster stew for dinner. And after dinner, I made some quick cottage cheese. Yummy!

That I remembered today that my health program planning paper is due tomorrow
I don’t think I would have liked being surprised by that one tomorrow as I’m trying to get my costume in order.

That I’m finally getting somewhere on my seminar
It was driving me nuts! How many useless studies must I read before I can come up with something worth mentioning? But now I have some good solid direction–and I’ve even got stuff down on the computer. I’m down to two weeks now–but I think I might actually be able to make it.

That there’s a sale on iced tea at the Kwik shop down the street
Thursday’s my errand day, and I forgot to get the bottles of tea I need for our research project while I was at the grocery store. So I ran into the Kwik shop, grabbed the most convenient choices and went to check out. The cashier put down her cell phone and, with a “just a sec”, walked across to a different case and pulled some coupons off the wall. Two of my choices had 50 cent off coupons. So I bought four 20 oz teas for $3.50–which isn’t a bad deal if I do say so myself.

That the weather was gorge-o-u-s today
I went for a fifteen minute walk this morning–and had to ditch my coat halfway. I took another walk with my roommate this afternoon–with no coat needed. I sat on a bench in a sweet little hideaway by the Home Ec building in the hour between classes and read my Bible. I closed my eyes and drank in the sun, enjoying the wind rustling the paper-crisp leaves. I contemplated being still. Not an action but a state. Being still. Knowing God. So many loud voices about–a fire (truck full of buff guys), a whirlwind (of papers and assignments and projects), the (rumblings of a political) earthquake–but God’s voice speaks through a gentle whisper. A fire that warms and awakens and enlivens–the sun. A breeze that brushes me with awareness of His presence. The hum of His Spirit empowering me to carry on.

The Ethics of Calling in

There is definitely an ethic involved in calling in sick, or going in sick, or any of the above. Unfortunately, like most ethical dilemnas, it’s not an easy situation to ascertain.

Sure, if you’re vomiting, it’s easy to determine that you shouldn’t go in to work. If you’ve been diagnosed with an infectious disease, you shouldn’t go in to work.

But what about the more obscure cases? What about when you have a headache that isn’t responding to painkillers but is making you painfully slow? The headache isn’t catching. You’re still capable of doing the job. It’s just that every step hurts, every noise is amplified, and the normal levels of light in the kitchen have you squinting.

What about when you’re dizzy and reeling–probably from postnasal drip caused by allergies? You’re not contagious–unless the post-nasal drip is infected and finds some way of making it to others through poor personal hygiene. But you’re certainly not performing your job as you should.

What about when you have an incredibly sore throat, can barely talk, and are running what TO YOU is a remarkably high temperature? In foodservice, sore throat with fever means exclusion from working with food. But what happens if your normal body temperature ranges from 95-96 and suddenly it’s 98? If my normal body temperature were NORMAL (98.6) and it suddenly jumped to above 100, I’d have a fever. But despite my severe jump, I’m still below “normal”.

It’s not ethical to call in sick when you feel fine. It’s not ethical to call in sick because you’re “sick of working”. It’s not ethical to call in sick because you have too many accrued sick hours. But what about when you truly don’t feel well–but just aren’t sure whether you’re sick enough to truly be considered SICK?


I told my sister, in a comment on her blog, that only boring people are bored. What I failed to take into account is that one need not be bored to be without anything interesting to blog about.

I, for one, had an incredibly full and interesting day. I wasn’t bored for a minute. But I kind of doubt you’re interested in what I did today.

Chances are you aren’t interested in the details of my morning routine. Chances are, you don’t care that I remade my bed and folded and put away all my clothes as soon as they came out of the dryer.

You probably don’t care that I read Job 23 and Jeremiah 29 today–the first contained a passage I identified strongly with (v.8-9), the second contained a verse that gave me great hope (v. 13). You probably don’t care that I found my piano books and put in some practice time this morning.

Most likely you’re bored by medical terminology–and couldn’t care less that anoxemia is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. You don’t probably have any opinion about the studies that had me tearing my hair out today.

I can’t imagine that you’ll be excited to hear that I balanced my checkbook today, updated my family’s phone numbers in my new cell phone, and mailed in my cell phone refund.

My life, and my day, was interesting to me–but you most likely see it quite differently.

Well, I’m grateful for a packed full, productive, enjoyable day–even if it left me with a rather boring blog.

Rebekah Menter and the Adventure of the Purloined(?) Purse

The clock said 10:26–I had four minutes to go when my boss beckoned me. I had a phone call, she said, from the University Police.

I was a bit shocked, until she said, “Something about a missing wallet?

Seems the purse I thought I’d left on top of Jack and therefore lost somewhere on my little dead end street actually made its way to campus, where a kindhearted kid picked it up and took it to the campus police.

I dropped by the station to pick it up–the policewoman wanted me to inspect it, make sure nothing was missing. “Well, my cell phone is destroyed” I said. “Destroyed?” She sounded shocked. I knew it sounded extreme, but I didn’t know how else to describe it. I showed her the battery that had come unplugged and the flip top that was completely separated from the keypad–revealing thin copper sheets of circuitry. “Oh yes. Do you want to file a report?–Cause we have the name of the guy who dropped it off.” I assured her that I had no interest in filing a report. “I’ll just buy a new phone. After all, the purse was on the ground somewhere–it could have been in the street or in a parking lot and gotten run over.” She conceded that was a possibility. Nothing else was missing or disturbed. I signed the papers and left for class.

And after class, I dropped by the cell phone store, where I picked up a new phone, free after mail-in-rebate. We renewed our contract about a month ago, but I saw no need to get a new phone when the one I had worked just fine. My frugality/eco-friendliness paid off, since I ended up with a brand new free phone right after mine had been destroyed.

Within five hours of “losing” my phone, I had a new one that worked. Pretty amazing if you think about it. Someone must be on my side ;-)

However, that leaves me address-book-less for the moment. So if you want me to put you back on my new contact list, give me a call or text me at my same old number (and don’t forget to tell me who you are.) If you don’t call me, I’ll just wait until I have to call you, then I’ll look it up the old-fashioned way–by calling my mom!

Easter Collect

I love liturgy. I mean, I absolutely love liturgy. I think it’s just one of the most amazing things ever. For example, check out this collect from the Book of Common Prayer:

O God, who for our redemption didst give Thine only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by His glorious resurrection hast delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with Him in the joy of His resurrection; through the same Thy Son Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

That’s the Easter Day collect, but it’s one I would do well to pray daily. To remember that I have been redeemed. To remember that I have been delivered from the power of the enemy. To remember to die daily to sin. But most of all, to remember to rejoice in the resurrection.

Who’d have thought?

Who’d have thought I’d ever be the one arguing for lower temperatures? Certainly not I.

But here I am, being the one to argue for keeping the thermostat low.

I was pretty warm with my sweater on, having just finished washing dishes and was now mopping the floor, when Anna walked into the room. “Do we have to keep the heat on 65? It’s cold in my room. And the window’s even closed.”

The thermostat was set at 65–but the actual temperature of the living room (the coldest room in the house) was 69. My room (upstairs) has been consistently temping at 72.

I am usually ALWAYS cold–but I haven’t really been uncomfortable at the temps in our house except when I’m sitting at the computer. That’s when my fingers start to feel like ice. Otherwise, I’ve got my socks and shoes (or slippers) on and my sweater slipped over the rest of the outfit. If I’m sitting reading, I have a throw or a quilt over me to keep me toasty warm. And when my fingers are feeling like ice at the computer? That just gives me a great excuse to grab a mug of hot tea.

I have an electric blanket to keep me warm at night–thanks to Anna, who acknowledged how cold I was last winter. And I bought a space heater for Casandra–who I know is also generally cold–so that she could keep her room warm while she’s in it. I just didn’t imagine that Anna would be the one complaining of the cold. (She’s generally too warm.)

Maybe I need to give her the space heater I’d intended for the living room. After all, we tend to only use the living room when we have lots of people over anyway–which means the ambient temperature rises pretty significantly anyway.

Anyway, so much for my musings. But who would have thought?

Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful…

  • that I feel much better than I did yesterday!
  • that my dresser top is free of clutter (thanks to today’s FlyLady mission)
  • that my (I mean, my sister’s) piano is tuned. (I played Christmas songs this morning!)
  • that the research on the impact of dietary fatty acids on insulin resistance is FINITE–even if I haven’t discovered the end of it yet.
  • that I have a nice huge fuzzy sweater (from my sister) to put over my regular cardigan and a nice pair of fuzzy leg warmers (from my mother) for my feet and a nice set of fuzzy socks (from my senior year in high school house-family) to keep me warm when the temperatures drop.
  • that I don’t have class tomorrow. (I still work, but not having class means I can eat AT HOME before going to work–instead of packing a lunch to stuff in between class and work.)
  • that even if my outdoor temperature sensor isn’t working, someone else in the neighborhood has one that sends me its signal just fine. (It’s currently 42.3 degrees Fahrenheit–gotta love the “.3”)
  • that this beautiful sight greeted me out of the window this morning:


Autumn is, at long last, dropping into fall. Gone is the Indian Summer with its bread-baking noondays and cool evenings. Now, it is starting to get truly cold.

I got out of my bath to discover that, outside of the steamy warmth of the bathroom, I was cold. Only days ago, I had my overhead fan on. Today, I’m considering whether to turn on my electric blanket.

I did laundry today–and for the first time in a long time, I put more shirts in my sweater drawer than in my t-shirt drawer.

I saw a girl in a coat today, and it made me think–“I need to put a new lining in my fall coat.” I thought about it last spring, as I packed it away. I even added it to my running to-do list. But I haven’t paid much attention to it since. It certainly wasn’t priority. But it might be now.

I’m contemplating how this fall will be the same, and different, from previous ones. Like many other falls, my thoughts turn to Christmas with expectation. But thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, I may actually be able to enjoy the months leading up to Christmas (instead being destined to hibernation and sluggishness).
I’ve never dressed up for Halloween before–but this year, we have a costume contest at work (and I’m going to WIN!) I’ve generally gone on a hiatus from leg shaving during the fall and winter months–but this year I’ve got to be a professional, which means I probably shouldn’t bristle.

Fall–it’s a good season, I think. Let it come. Whatever it throws at me, old or new, I’m ready for it.